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What is modern Vim?

Drew Neil, the author of Practical Vim and Vimcasts is writing a new book called Modern Vim. Modern Vim is a great title and captures the significance of Vim 8 and Neovim: both of these versions add key features that streamline plugin management and improve the responsiveness of Vim’s UI (even…

Spacemacs Review and Introduction for Vim Users

Spacemacs is an Emacs distribution that feels like Vim when editing, but doesn’t attempt to completely emulate Vim. It’s modal, so it has Normal mode, Insert mode, and loads of the editing, movement, and search commands that we use in Vim every…

Vim 8.0

Vim 8.0 is finally out! The Vim 8.0 announcement includes an overview of the main features of this major release. One of the significant changes is asynchronous I/O, which means plugins can execute without blocking Vim’s UI. The communication protocol used for this supports JSON, which means you can write servers…

Vim Builds in Visual Studio 2015

There have been a few patches to vim’s master branch that ensure Vim builds in Visual Studio 2015.aspx). Visual Studio has a free “Community” edition that was introduced last year, and one of the main reasons people are excited about the 2015 RC is Microsoft’s continued…


PyVim (GitHub: jonathanslenders/pyvim) by Jonathan Slenders is a pure Python Vim clone. You can try it out with pip:

pip install pyvim

I installed it on a Mac and it ran fine. Python has some libraries that make a Python Vim clone a worthwhile effort — PyVim uses…


Sri Kadimisetty has been working on Vim video tutorials at Vim.Watch. They’re short, five minute tutorials that are focused on a single topic or command. For example, sesionoptions covers Vim’s session management features.

If you enjoy these and want to see more Vim video tutorials, I also noticed MinuteVimTricks posted a new video two weeks ago.

TypeScript with Tsuquyomi

If you’re searching for the perfect Vim TypeScript plugin, then there’s a new one called Tsuquyomi (GitHub: Quramy/tsuquyomi, License: MIT) by Yosuke Kurami. It uses TSServer, which comes with TypeScript, and provides omni completion, symbol navigation, compiler errors, and…