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Underscore.vim (GitHub: haya14busa/underscore.vim, License: MIT) by haya14busa is a library of functional programming helpers for Vim:

echo s:_.reject([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 'v:val % 2 == 0')
" => [1, 3, 5]

Vim Stickers and Posters

Unixstickers has a new Vim poster that’s a giant Vim logo. I have a Vim Unixsticker, and unlike most of my other…

Five Time-Saving Vim Tricks

Benjamin Klein, who wrote The VimL Primer, recently published a blog post entitled Save time in Vim NOW with these five weird tricks. I was looking for one weird trick, so I was very happy to receive five weird tricks. Anyway, one of them is about switching windows with CTRL and…

Anti-patterns of vimrc

Most of us collect fragments in our vimrc files without ever considering best practices. Anti-pattern of vimrc by rbtnn lists some common mistakes with the fixed alternatives.

The author suggests that it’s better to use strict options instead of mixing in…

Vim Opinion

Mark Steve sent in rstacruz/vim-opinion, a plugin that captures commonly used .vimrc settings so you can easily install and use it with Vundle or Pathogen. It's designed to be used with Tim Pope's sensible.vim.

Vim Bootstrap

Vim Bootstrap is a web app that helps you to quickly generate a new .vimrc. It allows you to select from a list of programming languages, then creates a file that includes the appropriate NeoBundle dependencies.