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Vim REST Console

Vim REST Console (GitHub: diepm/vim-rest-console, License: MIT) is a plugin for sending and viewing HTTP requests from RESTful services. It uses cURL, and allows you to type URLs and then get responses back in a separate window.

cVim: Vim for Chrome


cVim (GitHub: 1995eaton / chromium-vim, License: MIT) by Jake Eaton is a Chrome extension that makes Chrome behave like…

Design by Typing

I got asked about my three preferred web development tools, and I really wanted to answer with simply “Vim”. The reason I like Vim for HTML is things like cit ("change inner tag"), ci" (change inner quote), and the visual selection and manipulation possibilities created by these motions.

Script Roundup: eunuch.vim, mozilla.vim

Send in your Vim scripts for review through our contact form or @vimnews.


The wittily-named eunuch.vim (GitHub: tpope / vim-eunuch, License: Vim) by Tim Pope just reached version 1.0. It…

Script Roundup: seeks.vim, Gocode


seeks.vim (GitHub: sanpii / seeks.vim) by Sanpi is an interface to the Seeks.fr search engine that can display results using a window inside Vim. It’s built using the webapi-vim project, which supports lots of interesting…

Cloud Vi

Cloud Vi

Cloud Vi by Thomas Georgiou is a mashup of jsvi and Filepicker.io. The original jsvi JavaScript project is almost 4,000 lines of JavaScript…