Project update, December 2018

Fraser Brown
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2018 is a remarkable spin off from ACT Foundation’s work on curation markets for decentralised grant-making or impact investing. Applied to dApps or blockchain projects, the Alpha platform deployed to the Rinkeby test network worked as follows:

A pure Ethereum ecosystem, value was captured at each stage in the investment cycle including the assessment of projects by experts who received rewards autonomously for their work.

It was conceived as a high-potential spin off idea by the ACT team in the summer of 2018, and gathered significant momentum including attracting 70 industry experts (d’experts) all keen to support its goals.

Explainer video demonstration of the TOKEN dApp live on the Ethereum Rinkeby test network

Three questions arose for the project in November:

  1. How could it be financed in such a denuded market?
  2. Would it’s target market value decentralisation enough to make it viable and ensure that it would scale?
  3. Is it realistic (or would the market consider it realistic) to decentralise the assessment function of crypto projects considering the ease with which teams without bone fides can run an ICO?

The project’s repos exist here; they are private:

It is in people’s nature to look for black or white. But community projects such as can stop, stop and wait, or pause and continue in a different state. Is the project dead? Why is the site down (see video above for the Alpha)?

For me personally, this project was a high potential idea worthy of all of the effort that I and others put in over about five months. Many dExperts contributed reviews about ICOs on the testnet dApp, others wrote articles about the project or published news about it, others offered regular advice to me and the team and sought out potential partners or investors for it. It was a fantastic project and great fun also. For me the project is paused, and it continues primarily in the form of an active private telegram group of d’experts all interested in the question, is democratised investment achievable and viable?



Fraser Brown

Olympian > Entrepreneur > Social Entrepreneur > Crypto save-the-planet Entrepreneur Contact: @fraserbrown_org