A Whole New World: Upland’s metaverse embraces Utrust

3 min readSep 8, 2020


Upland is creating a digital world that will mirror our own. By integrating Utrust, they are making it as free and safe as it can possibly be.

Welcome to the metaverse

What Upland is creating is a metaverse. The concept isn’t exactly new (the term was coined by Neal Stephenson in a ’90s novel, and it’s been widely associated with the term cyberspace, coined by William Gibson), but it’s arguably never been successfully achieved. Some argue that Second Life comes close, but what Upland is trying is a little more ambitious.

This world is your world

Upland is directly connected to the real world, and the properties you can purchase in the metaverse are real properties that actually exist. It’s not an artificial world, it’s a parallel world. And the best part is that what you buy in Upland actually belongs to you. Because Upland is powered by blockchain, digital assets are unique and certified, and true ownership is guaranteed.

A growing space

Upland is adding features at a rapid pace. Air travel is now possible between San Francisco and New York (the two cities currently featured). There are Art Walks to be enjoyed. There are challenges and games that will earn you rewards. But make no mistake, Upland is very real. The marketplace that’s being developed will be operated with their own digital currency (UPX) and later in 2020 users will be able to sell their properties for fiat if they so choose.

Upland intends to have its very own free market economy. Users will be able to add not only buildings to their properties, but also businesses. Virtual real estate agencies, gaming arcades, etc. are all in the works, and so are galleries. Yes, you will be able to display your NFT (non-fungible tokens) at your homes on Upland, and you will also be able to buy and sell them.

Accessibility is key

One of Upland’s main concerns is lowering the barriers of entry. There’s no need for private keys or digital wallets. All you need is an email address and a password to get started. This is exactly the kind of thing that appeals to Utrust, and the reason why both companies are quite excited about this partnership.

“This partnership came at an ideal time as we have been looking to partner within the bolstering gaming industry for some time,” said Sanja Kon, CEO of Utrust. “We wanted to combine our expertise with a company that not only has a deep understanding of the industry but is also familiar with blockchain. Upland exceeds our expectations and we are thrilled to work together.”

By integrating Utrust, Upland users can now make payments as seamlessly and easily as they can explore this brilliant new universe. And there’s some rewards in it too:

“This partnership with Utrust helps us further cement our market position and bridge the gap of the mass adoption of blockchain technology within the gaming industry,” said Dirk Lueth, Co-Founder of Uplandme Inc “In celebration of the partnership, Upland is offering those who join the game through their Utrust partnering link a 6,000 UPX sign up bonus, to spend on the app.”

According to a study by GoldenMobileCasino.com 60% of all gaming revenue in 2019 came from mobile. And the projections are even better. A Statista study indicates that the revenue in the Mobile Game segment is projected to reach $55,315 million in 2020.

By adding Utrust to their service, Upland is opening its doors to well over 50 million digital currency users out there with a reduction of up to 80% in fees.

It’s a whole new world.

P.S: Use our link and get 6,000 UPX for free when signing up! Click here.




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