The Leadership of the Future

Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2020

2020 is the decade of mass adoption. At Utrust, we are gearing up to lead it. Growing from startup to full fledged scaleup means rethinking — and reorganizing — how we operate as a company.

We welcomed Sanja Kon as our new CEO at the beginning of the year (more about that here). Her appointment was not the only change in store for our team. Along with it, comes a new organizational structure. We strive to be future-proof. That means not building for what we have — but for what we’re becoming.

Let’s dive in.

The people in charge: A Leadership Team Evolution

One of the major keys to the success of our growth lies within our leadership structure. Now, we’re building a powerful leadership team that’s designed for the next phase of the Utrust company.

Now, we have two different branches of government in Utrust. The first is the Board, which will set the course for the company. The other is the Management Team — tasked with running our day-to-day operations.

These two branches will meet every month for regular sync ups, so the Management Team can align systemic implementation across our 30 employees with the broader vision from The Board.

Who’s The Board? Here’s What They Do

The Board is an amalgamation of six minds. Their job, in essence, is to ensure the company is headed in the right direction. Leading our vision for the future we have Nuno, our founder and now President of the Board, and the rest of our founders, Roberto Machado, Filipe Castro (also our Chief Compliance Officer) and Artur Goulão. Our founders are joined in the board by our CEO Sanja Kon and our CFO Gil Monteiro to ensure that our vision is aligned with our daily operations.

Together, they define strategic movements for Utrust. The Board’s duty is to protect investors’ interests while ensuring Utrust operates in a profitably and safely. They hire upper management, set strategic goals and oversee company finances. The Board will always meet once a month and determine our way forward.

The Management Team’s job

The Management Team is the high level branch of company management. They hire employees, oversee finances in detail and execute the Board’s plans. Here are the names behind the C’s:

In the same way that it’s the Board’s responsibility to direct, it will be the Management Team’s job to execute. In their monthly meeting, both branches will get their heads together, debrief, and make any adjustments necessary.

What’s next for Utrust 2.0?

Our Board and Management Team have laid out an ambitious roadmap not just for 2020, but also for the following years (more here). Now it’s full power ahead: our goal is to make this scaleup a success and we’ve got just the team to do it.

Whether you’re a merchant, a user of our products or someone who is considering becoming one of those things, the future is here.

The heart of a company is the team. We have the right team in place with an ever-evolving structure: and you should join us for the ride.

Follow our Twitter for more updates.




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