We 💜 data: going over the numbers of Utrust



We love numbers. They make us very happy, with their reliable precision and immutable nature. We’re romantics, you see.

So we’ve made it our business to keep track of everything that goes on in our office and our business. We’ve done this before, making this the second list of this nature we create. Yeah, counting. We love counting. That’s the good stuff.


Where were we.



Once again, we refuse to obey societal expectations and we are starting our count with something other than one. Two is, in fact, the number of babies who have joined our family. Are they cute? Very. Are they the only cuties? No. Utrusters have also adopted three puppies, making the cuteness almost unbearable. If anyone adopts a kitten, we’re done for.


Oh yes, we don’t just count, we can also do plurals. It’s called multitasking, look it up. Anyhow, we’re happy to say hundreds of new merchants signed up too, helping us build the greatest commercial ecosystem in the history of the world (in our opinion).


We’ve been joined by children (and puppies), merchants, and… our lovely advisors. Eight remarkable professionals, from companies as powerful and diverse as Amazon, Ebay, Fruugo, Farfetch, Freshbooks, eplane, InPost UK, Telepass have all put their experience and knowledge at our behest. We appreciate it.



No, silly, he’s wearing number 7 now.

This the number of fiat currencies we support now. It’s 90% of the world’s GDP!


This is the number of product releases we have achieved this year. Are you ready to learn how? So many numbers coming your way right now:

We wrote 41,941.56 lines of code.

We held 12 all-hands meetings.

Do you know how many cups of coffee we consumed?

That’s right, ∞ cups of coffee. Do you know what it looks like when you try to write the infinity symbol as bold text? You just saw it. It looks the same because it’s so much. Or maybe we have caffeine blindness, I don’t even know anymore.


We held 128 virtual cross-team meetings.

Over 9000 video calls

Oh, and by the way, in case you were thinking of checking our numbers: we lied. We didn’t actually write that many lines of code. That’s the one thing we didn’t count.

Joke’s on you, though, because you’ll never figure out what that number is.

299 million

That’s how many people we’ve reached online.

Thousands have signed up on hold (that’s hundreds a day!) and thousands are now Utrust buyers.

We don’t even joke for these numbers, just a mushy thank you 💜

44%, 35% and 18%

That’s the percentage of people who paid with BTC, ETH and USDT, respectively. And yes, we know that doesn’t add up to 100%.

We carry other coins, you know?


That’s us. We are the #1 startup in Portugal for Web and Consumer products, which is way better than the alternative, which is not being #1. Not only that, but UTK, our lovely juggernaut of a token, is a top-15 performing token in 2020. Which, again, is much better than the alternative. Not being that.

We’ve processed thousands of purchases.

Using multiple blockchains.

Which means…

(do the math do the math do the math)


Our new favourite number. This is, in USD, the Transaction Volume processed by Utrust in 2020. We are really proud of this one! And it all happened thanks to you.

We love living in the future.

You should absolutely join Utrust now, if you haven’t already. Help us build the numbers of 2021 right here.

(PS: 41,941.56 is the current BTC ATH)



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The easiest way to pay with & accept digital currencies. The money of tomorrow is here. Experience digital payments with Utrust: utrust.com