Go to Allies for Racial Equity
Allies for Racial Equity
Unitarian Universalists racialized as white working to disrupt oppression, uproot white supremacy, and plant seeds of justice. This is a ministry of faith which leads all who participate to spiritual growth and wholeness.
Note from the editor

Unitarian Universalists racialized as white working to disrupt oppression, uproot white supremacy, and plant seeds of justice. This is a ministry of faith which leads all who participate to spiritual growth and wholeness.

Go to the profile of Lori Stone Sirtosky
Lori Stone Sirtosky
Free Range Unitarian Universalist (she/they)
Go to the profile of Allies for Racial Equity Leadership Collective
Allies for Racial Equity Leadership Collective
Unitarian Universalists racialized as white working to counter oppression and disrupt white supremacy in ourselves, congregations, and communities. uuare.org
Go to the profile of KC Graham
Go to the profile of Rev. Deanna Vandiver
Rev. Deanna Vandiver
Collective liberationist. Unitarian Universalist from the South (of the USA) who has been singing, reading & writing for almost as long as she can remember.
Go to the profile of Rev. Karen G. Johnston
Rev. Karen G. Johnston
Unitarian Universalist Minister. Bi. Adoptive mother. Buddhist.
Go to the profile of Ashley Horan
Go to the profile of Rachel Keating Rott
Rachel Keating Rott
“Your ancestors are rooting for you.” ― Eleanor Brownn