Design For Real Life => Books — Day 28

Blessing Orazulume
UX Design for a Novice
2 min readOct 16, 2018

1.0 Recap

Yesterday, I looked at the 3 levels of design by Don Norman and I gave response to a question asked about examples of these levels of design. Here is a recap.

2.0 Design For Real Life

Today, I decided to start reading a booking given to me by a colleague. It’s titled Design for Real Life by Eric Meyer and Sara Wachter-Boettcher. The book has some really cool reviews.

A brief summary of what I’ve read so far

The book, Design for Real Life is mostly about seeing beyond the people we are designing for and how they feel about the design. It’s about creating designs with kindness and sympathy, by looking at different personas in our design.

The book tries to answer questions like:

  • How do people feel when they use new features on an app?
  • What is the user thinking at that moment when using a product?

In chapter one => Challenge your vision, the book talked about the Facebook year in review feature. It highlighted the intent of the designers of that feature which was to allow people to relive and share some events that happened that year and in turn should bring excitement to the users.


It also pointed out that not everyone had a good year and they might not want to relive it or share it. This means that a lot of personas were not put into consideration, and also the designers didn’t think about the worst-case scenarios in their design.

3.0 Resources

The best way to learn is by asking questions and letting people know how you understand the topic. Feel free to leave a comment, we will definitely learn from it🙂.

