Usability Assignment => User Experience — Day 18

Blessing Orazulume
UX Design for a Novice
2 min readOct 2, 2018

1.0 Recap

Yesterday, I looked at usability in UX and what makes websites usable. Here is the recap.

2.0 Assignment

Today, I did an assignment that has to do with usability.


Identify two devices, systems, products or applications:

  • One that you have enjoyed using
  • One that is uncomfortable when using

2.1 A product I enjoy using: Duolingo App

Duolingo is a language learning app that makes it so exciting to always come back to. I am fond of the app because of these factors:

  • Logo, Icons, Colours=> Every time I see the birdie icon(I think they were trying to portray a parrot), I always have the urge to open the app and go on with my lessons. Also, the colour of the icon stands out among other apps on my phone.
My home screen
  • Usability => I don’t really like to see information written in texts mostly in mobile apps. I love visuals a lot and this app has a great way of navigating you around so quickly. The icons and the flags that show your score when you get a question right is really simple and easy to understand.

2.2 A product I do not enjoy using: Tricycle used in Nigeria (aka Keke Napep?

The Keke napep as it’s fondly called in Nigeria is a tricycle which I use every day when I go to work. A bad experience I’ve had when using the Keke napep is when it’s raining. It doesn’t have any door to prevent water from splashing on you.

The best way to learn is by asking questions and letting people know how you understand the topic. Feel free to leave a comment, we will definitely learn from it🙂.

