Things I found on the web this week (22nd September)

Jenny Brown
UX Qatar
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2016

This week: Inspiration from Airbnb, Dropbox and Buffer; Some great tools to help you brainstorm ideas with a remote team; Practical examples of how to make your mobile app amazing; And create engaging ads and announcements with a new free tool called Pablo.

Here are the things I found interesting on the web this week.

Happy reading!


Why we kick off any new project with a Design Sprint
This Italian design studio use design sprints to quickly test their client’s solution (and I mean REALLY quickly). Rather than waiting 2+ months for a prototype, they create and test one in a week! Something all startups would benefit from doing.


Little Big Details For Your Mobile App
“The difference between creating good experiences and amazing experiences often comes down to how thoughtful we can design [the] small details…” And amazing experiences lead to more successful products.

53+ Free Image Sources For Your Blog and Social Media Posts
Create your own little ads, promotions, announcements, or just some fun quotes with these gorgeous images and layouts from Buffer. And best of all — it’s free! And super easy to share with your social media followers.


3 Inspiring Minimum Viable Products from Dropbox, Buffer, Airbnb
I was reminded this week of how Airbnb started out. Just one simple idea, one simple website, a ‘test run’, and Boom! You know the rest. Here’s their story along with Dropbox and Buffer. Three amazing examples of how and why MVPs really work.


This is the perfect brainstorming tool for people working in remote teams. Everybody logs in and can add designs, feedback, thoughts, votes to a shared whiteboard. Do it over a Skype call or Google Hangout and you have a remote brainstorming session right there!

A nice little diagramming and drawing tool to help you plan concepts, mindmap your brain, organize business processes and even wireframe your app.


Software Engineer Cheat Sheet
Use this cheat sheet to decipher what your software engineers are really saying… :D

Compiled with ❤️ in Qatar

Originally published at



Jenny Brown
UX Qatar

Director of Digital Experience and Digital Transformation at Qatar Museums