Top UX Influencers to Follow on Instagram

Kim Chung
UX School
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2020

When I was transitioning into UX, my fabulous DesignLab mentor Kaity gave me a piece of advice that stuck with me:

Surround yourself with daily inspiration that motivates your next project.

She suggested that I peruse Dribbble, Behance, Pinterest, Awwwards, and Panda (to name a small handful) during my downtime whether it be commuting home from work or instead of scrolling mindlessly through Facebook. But while scrolling through my Instagram feed filled with food, lifting, and current events posts, I realized something BIG.

Why wasn’t I utilizing the best possible social media platform to get inspired by talented designers?! Here’s why Instagram should be added to the design inspo list:

  • Talented designers showcasing their awesome work — I’m not talking about what the end results look like but the behind-the-scenes from workflow to planning as well. Some artists will post on their IG story a progression of their work!
  • A community for UX beginners and transitioners to dip their toes into and explore the latest UX design content — bite-sized nuggets conveyed in simple visuals? Yes, please. The latest design trends and concepts to be aware of? A must-see.

So here’s my list of top UX influencers to follow on Instagram and why:

Elizé Todd (@elize_ux)

Elizé UX is a Product Designer, Educator, and Youtuber who keeps UX “real” and fun. She gives new UX’ers confidence through career motivation and mentorship. Check out her Youtube channel and hear how she became a UX Director a year after General Assembly.

Yael Levey (@iamnotmypixels)

Yael is a London-based designer who posts fun snapshots of her day-to-day. Whether it’s an update on her home office setup or a glimpse of a conference she’s attending, you’ll always learn something new by keeping up with Yael.

Chris Do (@thechrisdo)

Chris is an Emmy award-winning designer, director, CEO, and Chief Strategist of Blind and the founder of The Futur. He teaches people how to make a living doing what they love most.

Shanae Ullman (@nerdydivadesign)

Shanae is a Senior UX Designer at The Boeing Company. She’s also the Founder and CEO of Nerdy Diva, a women-owned tech startup that provides the user experience, branding, web development, and training for growing online businesses.

Nick Buturishvili (@nick_buturishvili)

Nick is a Georgia-based Product Designer who solves user experience problems with a keen-eye to modern typography, bold colors, and seamless interactions. See more of his awesome work on Dribbble!

Laith Wallace (@laith_wallace)

Laith Wallace is a UX Designer & Product Strategist based in London. He is popularly known on YouTube where he posts monthly videos on UX tips and tricks for career-changes. Additionally, he provides career coaching for designers online to achieve their six-figures as a freelancer.

Jessica Robbins (@uxmemo)

Jessica’s method of sharing UX knowledge is through inspirational design quotes and thinking points written on Post-It notes. They’re small and quick but leave you with lots to think about.

Anfisa Bogomolova (@anfisign)

Anfisa is a UX and Product Designer who shares her journey, lessons, and challenges to help you transition into UX. Her feed is full of bite-sized knowledge pieces as well as IGTV videos discussing various UX topics.

Quinton Cameron (@qcam)

Quinton is a UI/UX Designer with an Art Direction background and two decades of experience. Additionally, he is a contributor to the Don’t Sleep Interiors Brand. To see more awesome work, check out Quinton’s portfolio!

Ilya Fedorov (@twohabitsdesign)

TwoHabits is a collection of daily UI/UX design showcases managed by Ilya, a front-end developer, and UI/UX designer. You can submit your work to be published here too!

Ravi Tej (@designwarp)

Ravi’s IG is filled with podcast snippets and other knowledge tidbits. He’s quite popular on Medium as an official writer for UX publications such as UX collective,, Muzli & Chatbot Magazine.

Jürgen Leckie (@uxjurgen)

Jürgen Leckie’s account features sketches from his design process done with Sharpies and markers. He’s a freelance UX and UI designer from Amsterdam who makes it fun!

Ran Segall (@ransegall)

Ran Segall is a full-stack designer and founder of Flux Academy who floods his feed with bold inspirational graphics and snippets from his amazing Youtube channel.

Miriam Isaac (@misaac85)

Miriam is a UX Designer residing in Israel who shares on IG her personal 8-year journey into UX. Find UX tips, sketches, processes, and pains from a talented designer on her awesome page!

Johny Vino (@johnyvino)

Specialized in humanizing User Experience, Johny Vino shares on Instagram prototypes of various mobile app products. Additionally, Johny writes many great articles on Medium.

Maureen Herben (@ux.collection)

Maureen is a UX Designer in Berlin with an impressive art background and her IG says it all. From the bold colors to the interconnecting posts, she shares her experience transitioning to UX through Careerfoundry.

Oz Chen (@uxbeginner)

Oz is a Content Strategist and UX Designer who created a blog called to document his journey into UX. With an intrepid team of UX apprentices behind it, the @uxbeginner account has grown a following with bite-sized UX lessons, design tips, and career advice.

That’s it!

Is there an awesome designer I missed? Join our community on Facebook and share some of your favorite UX Instagram accounts! Want updates? Sign up for the UX newsletter here.



Kim Chung
UX School

Eat🍦 Sleep 💤 & Lift 🏋🏻‍♀️ Great ideas will come 💭