Why UX School?

Oz Chen
UX School
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2019
New year, new Medium publication.

If you’ve been following UXBeginner (“UXB”), you might be wondering: why another Medium publication?

Isn’t there already a publication from you called Become a UX Designer? How are the two different, and how will UX School be different from other UX publications on Medium?

Valid questions, and this article explains it all.

In 2018, UXB experimented with its first content strategy apprenticeship. 5 brave souls came on board. We collaborated on articles, new web pages and other content projects.

It was from this collaboration that I noticed that the content workflow I’ve set up was broken. I’ll cover the 3 main opportunities for optimization that lead to the creation of this new Medium publication.

1. From republishing to community-first.

The Become a UX Designer publication was used primarily as a place to republish posts from the UXBeginner blog.

UX School will be a more independent beast, with the aim of including as many high quality writers — and their stories — from around the world.

While relevant UXBeginner articles will still appear on UX School, I’m excited to expand the voice from one to many.

Speaking of which…

2. A wider range of UX storytelling

The mantra for UX School is for UX designers, by UX designers.

This means that writers will be encouraged to share stories rooted in personal experience, as if you’re getting insider tips from a design buddy.

All of this, and more, can be found in the submission guidelines.

3. Better user experience for writers

The content workflow of adding writers, editing stories, and publishing work is honestly a mess in Wordpress.

The editorial process will be magnitudes easier by using Medium’s seamless collaboration features.

Also, vanity point #4: I like the name and URL of this new publication: medium.com/ux-school. Just simpler and to the point, no?

So, what’s next?

Classic UXBeginner posts will be migrated over time to UX School. At the end of this transition, the Become a UX Designer publication will be phased out and deleted.

So make sure to follow UX School and subscribe to the UXB email list for updates.

As soon as now, you can start submitting articles to UX School. Check out the submission guidelines here.

Thank you, and if you’re interested in becoming an editor to this publication, send an email to: oz@uxbeginner.com.


Oz Chen, editor of UX School & founder of UXBeginner.com

