Go to UX Pacer
UX Pacer
UX Pacer由六個分別來自於CMU, UW, Gatech, UMich的台灣人組成,希望能夠透過這個平台,與大家分享在學習歷程中經驗、故事和資訊,陪著對於UX有興趣/剛進入這個圈子的跑者們一起探索與發現!
Note from the editor

UX Pacer由六個分別來自於CMU, UW, Gatech, UMich的台灣人組成,希望能夠透過這個平台,與大家分享在學習歷程中經驗、故事和資訊,陪著對於UX有興趣/剛進入這個圈子的跑者們一起探索與發現!

Go to the profile of Sam Yang
Sam Yang
Hi I’m Yun Shan, Sam, 珊 | Design @ Microsoft | UW HCDE
Go to the profile of Johnny Wu
Go to the profile of Chia Hsieh
Chia Hsieh
UX Researcher | Georgia Tech | Contact: enid.chsieh@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Erin Lee
Erin Lee
Product Designer | Designing learning experiences for technical products
Go to the profile of June L
June L
User Researcher @ Microsoft, ex-TikTok, Mentoring: adplist.org/mentors/june-liu
Go to the profile of Cindy Huang
Cindy Huang
UX Designer | UW HCDE
Go to the profile of Evie Cheng
Evie Cheng
Senior UX Researcher @AI2
Go to the profile of 昕 頤 H s i n y i
昕 頤 H s i n y i
Flâneuse from Macondo|UX Designer|LinkedIn: Hsin-Yi Hsieh
Go to the profile of 賴
UX 設計師,蝦圖居民
Go to the profile of Xenia Lin
Xenia Lin
XR enthusiast and indie game developer 🎮
Go to the profile of Alison Liu
Alison Liu
University College London MSc Human Computer Interaction
Go to the profile of Kay Zeng
Kay Zeng
kayzeng.me | M.S. HCI Student @UW-HCDE
Go to the profile of Tsai-ling Lei
Tsai-ling Lei
Product designer exploring the possibilities of #UX design #self-growth & #languages
Go to the profile of Phillip Chen