Last week, I wrote a bunch of good stuff (trust me).

Josh Spilker
Vaguely Feel
Published in
1 min readSep 17, 2017


Last week, I went to a cabin in a state park, only for the afternoon.

I was supposed to be at a pavilion having a picnic, but my daughter had to take a nap and someone had to stay with her, and being the good indoorsman that I am, I volunteered.

My daughter was napping and here I was stuck (blessed!) with a hours.

So, I took out my legal pad.

This particular legal pad has gone through a few journeys with me.

Some story ideas.

Failed novel intros.

Even work notes.

I sat on the couch in the cabin and began to write.

First, I tried poetry because I’ve been trying it again.

But then I wanted to tweet. No Internet of course, so I started writing tweets in my legal pad.

And they were pretty good (trust me).

Ones about the huge cricket in the cabin…and ones about…

Actually, I can’t remember. But still.

I was saving them for this site. To make an “Unpublished tweets of @vaguelyfeel” but now…


I’m Josh Spilker and I wrote a book about God, tacos, empty malls, food trucks and mini-golf. You can get it here.

