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VALR Publication
VALR.com is a digital asset trading platform where you can buy, sell, store and transfer cryptocurrencies seamlessly and securely. We offer one of the widest selections of digital assets. We‘re helping to build a financial system that recognises the oneness of humanity.
Note from the editor

VALR.com is a digital asset trading platform where you can buy, sell, store and transfer cryptocurrencies seamlessly and securely. We offer one of the widest selections of digital assets. We‘re helping to build a financial system that recognises the oneness of humanity.

Go to the profile of Farzam Ehsani
Farzam Ehsani
Baha’i | Lover of humankind | Co-Founder & CEO of VALR.com
Go to the profile of Badi Sudhakaran
Badi Sudhakaran
Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, VALR
Go to the profile of Anja van Staden
Anja van Staden
Graphic Designer
Go to the profile of Gianluca Sacco
Gianluca Sacco
Just remember to be curious
Go to the profile of Yasthiel Devraj
Yasthiel Devraj
The revolution will be decentralized.
Go to the profile of Writers at VALR
Writers at VALR
We at VALR, believe crypto & blockchain tech can create a financial system that recognizes the oneness of humanity. Our articles intend to convey these views.