Go to Valtech Design
Valtech Design
Words from Valtech’s design, content, front end development, and user research teams. Learn more about us: https://www.valtech.co.uk/
Note from the editor

Words from Valtech’s design, content, front end development, and user research teams. Learn more about us: https://www.valtech.com

Go to the profile of Lydia Livingston
Lydia Livingston
Experience Principal @ AND Digital
Go to the profile of Lydia Livingston
Lydia Livingston
Experience Principal @ AND Digital
Go to the profile of Edmund Reed
Edmund Reed
Design Systems Architect 🎨 UI•UX designer & developer 💻 I take front-end thought experiments too far 🧪 @valtech 💙
Go to the profile of Henry Neves-Charge
Henry Neves-Charge
I design and build things with Zühlke UK
Go to the profile of Carolyn Warburton
Carolyn Warburton
Doing user centred design in an agile way
Go to the profile of Rob Pataki
Rob Pataki
I am a Lead UI developer at Valtech UK - passionate about building scalable and accessible user interfaces