6 New Year’s Resolutions For Entrepreneurs And Creators After The End Of A Very Tough Year

Vanessa Kisowile
Vanessa’s HandBook
5 min readJan 16, 2021

Understandably 2020 has changed alot even the way we do things and view certain things. It’s still important to have resolutions.

2020 was a blessing in so many ways to many of us as much as it was also one of the toughest year we have had in a long time as the whole world. And one thing that many people have said to have learned from the year, is taking one day at a time and enjoying every monet of their lives as it was the last.

And they are correct.

For entrepreneurs and creators however, there is more than that. Nothing will move without clear direction of where you want to be, when do you want to get there and what vehicle is going to get you there.

There is nothing like luck or one day at a time when it comes to business is any way. So having resolutions is still as important as it was last year and the year before.

But this year’s resolutions would need to be different from every other year’s, this year’s resolutions should be objective oriented than profit/revenue driven.

Here are 6 resolutions you need for 2021, for you to grow as an individual and as a business/brand;

Being patient and bearing with yourself.

We are living the winds of shifting environment, of course you will not be okay. You will make mistakes and things will not be business as usual, you may not be getting as much sales as you expected or you may have to competely pivot and that’s okay.

Be patient with yourself as you figure out this new season. Be willing to give yourself a pass from the mistakes you will make along the way, be compassionate towards yourself when you are stressed and exhausted from it all.

Take enough time to encourage yourself, to love youself even more and to invest in your personal growth as much as possible like never before. You need this to get to the other side.

“Be gentle with yourself, learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others.” -Wilfred Peterson

Being consistence.

Success is built like muscles, never over night. You need to consistently put in the work, the same or even better amount of work for any kind of changes/improvements to occur.

This year, commit to doing everything that is important for you, your customer/audience and your team consistently especially in this changing environement.

This will not only help to build trust between you and your customer/audience or even your team, it will also help you to build stronger competence muscles hence accelerate your growth.

Whether it’s in posting, engaging with your customer/audience, communicating with your team, anything that builds a great relationship do it consistently.

Whether it’s maintaining a positive morning routine or learning to deliver the best for your customers/audience, do it consistently.

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” — Dwayne Johnson

Being willing to learn and be flexible.

Nobody in this world will be successful if they are not willing to learn and be flexible enough to adopt or change with the times. With growing technology, globalization, digitalization and human changing behaviours, your attitude towards learning is as crucial as the you breath air for your survival.

Do you realize, even when you succeed, it only means you have gotten into a higher level of your life which also means you are at a starting point in that level. When you move between 1–10 and get to 11, you are at 1 of 11–20, if that makes sense.

In other words, learning should never end.

“In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.” — Eric Hoffer

Outworking everybody.

I think you might have heard “ Hardwork beats talents anytime”, this so true. You achieve double of what others achieve if you work twice as hard and as long as they do.

I personally believe that one thing that you can’t take from someone is experience but you can still acquire the same knowledge in a shorter period of time if you work as twice as hard as the person and invest as twice as enough time that person has invested within the same period of time in the same thing.

In other words, in 2021, you don’t just work hard, you out work everyone around you.

“Hardwork beats talents anytime talent doesn’t work hard”

Being relatable.

After 2020, entrepreneurs and creators need to change the way they relate with their market ( customer/clients or audience) because their needs, their reality and their lives have changed.

So seek to first understand them allover again. Whether is by engaging with them directly through social media, email list or direct conversation because things have truly changed.

2021 is the right time to truly embrace digital technology to ease the communication between you and your customers/clients or audience. Also use the analytics to understand your market, to know what resonates with it, what works and what is not working to adjust accordingly.

“So, I keep thinking about the idea of secret identities. Do you ever feel locked into yourself? I’m not sure if I’m making sense here. I guess what I mean is that sometimes it seems like everyone knows who I am except me.”
― Becky Albertalli, Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Embracing adventure the bets way you can.

Now with what the world is turning into, adventure may mean alot of things, it may mean changing winds of how things are done, it may mean taking time from your busy schedule or it may just mean backing your bags and going for a weekend getaway for a breath of fresh air.

“The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”– Eleanor Roosevelt

We have a very excited time ahead of us, alot have changed in my life too, A LOT and I’m as excited and as scared as everyone else but I’m still going to keep my head high and focus on these resoutions.

I will soon announce the new products going live this year. Super excited for you guys to be part of my new journey.



Vanessa Kisowile
Vanessa’s HandBook

Dreaming after all is a great form of planning. Founder: @itravelar @afroshefound Website: vanessakisowile.netlify.app