VP Guides | How to Vote on NFT Installation Design Proposals

Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2022


‘Struck Star’

Did you know that with VanPoure’s community treasury, the execution of a member-designed Topography installation can be funded by the LiquidiTao project, and it can lead to passive income in the form of quarterly dividends? If you are unfamiliar with the beauty and utility of VanPoure’s Topography NFTs, our Whitepaper Mini is a wonderful place to start. This particular article illuminates how community members vote for which installations which will receive our treasury funds.

Those who submit their design for community consideration can get treasury funds to cover the costs if they win the majority vote, but the rewards don’t stop there. Upon the installation’s completion, they submit photographic proof which qualifies them for quarterly dividends — shared equally between all members who’ve done successful treasury-funded initiatives.

This diagram shows how the treasury allocates funds for the community:

Since the goal is to align funding with proposals that the community members believe will positively impact brand equity, giving voting power only to active holders ensures that individuals who care most deeply about our community are the ones who make these decisions.

VanPoure uses a whitelist system to allow only active holders to vote on any given proposal. If you hold a VanPoure NFT 48 hours prior to the start of the current voting period, the address that holds the NFT will be whitelisted as eligible to vote in the upcoming funding round!

How to Vote

The specific wallet which holds one or more VanPoure NFTs must be connected to the VanPoure space on the Snapshot dApp. (If you try to connect from a different wallet, you won’t be able to vote because it won’t be listed as eligible on the whitelist).

Proposals are submitted through the Installation Proposal Form — which closes 2 days before the voting period begins — and the designs are published to our website for public viewing. Active holders use the ‘Ranked Choice Voting’ method to rank proposals, indicating which they think are most deserving of treasury funds. These handy instructions from the Snapshot documentation which walk members through connecting a wallet to vote for proposals.

Proposals must receive a minimum quorum of two votes in order to receive funding, and there must be at least two proposals submitted from unique holder addresses in order for community voting to be held. If only one is submitted, voting is postponed until the next quarter.

Next Steps for Involvement

  1. Subscribe to our Medium publication to be notified about voting periods and submission deadlines. This will send an email notification when submission and voting periods are announced so that holders never miss a voting round and remain active.
  2. Interested audiences may play with our downloadable templates which can be opened in Photoshop, and check out the article How to Submit a Proposal which is the process that submissions must go through to apply for treasury funds.

With enthusiasm and love, we wish our community members a happy and beautiful time of designing and dreaming until it is time to vote!

