On Binaries — Variables, Weekly.

Variables, Weekly
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2017

I have always been suspect of binary thinking because while it makes the decision making process a cinch, it can also oversimplify a narrative, greatly polarize a discussion and obscure more than it reveals. The default should be to assume there are more than two angles to any subject of inquiry.

Welcome welcome; now to what I have lined up for you this week.

This is the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a while. Please read it~ I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out. Link

Something of a short philosophical treatise, of the history and nature of dialectical and mathematical logic from Aeon ~ What is logic? Link

From the good people at Telegram ~ What does the “Year Zero” and “Vault 7” stuff from Wikileaks mean? Link

More on The Wikileaks CIA Dumps from thenewyorker ~ Five Questions About the Latest WikiLeaks Release Link

On the importance of research and fostering an environment that allows curious minds chase curiosity for it’s own sake. A bit preachy too ~ We Need More ‘Useless’ Knowledge Link

On Cognitive Dissonance and fake news ~ The Invisible Force That Warps What You Read in the News Link

More on philosophy ~ Sorites On vagueness, or, when is a heap of sand not a heap of sand? Link

Has Facebook finally gone too far? ~ That time Facebook went too far Link

A short history of how our relationship with time and work has changed over the course of the last century or so ~ A History and Future of the Rise of the Robots Link

Ben Evans on the next computing platform — Voice ~ Voice and the uncanny valley of AI Link

On the power of the minority ~ The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority Link

Journalism is in crisis ~ The Facts are True, the News is Fake Link

Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women? Link

If you’re interested in the development of AI read this ~ Artificial Stupidity Link

How often do you change your mind? ~ On why facts alone can’t fight false beliefs Link

Why Reality Is Not A Video Game Link

SAVE THE INTERNET OR WATCH IT BURN ~ The future of the open internet — and our way of life — is in your hands Link

For my anime brethren ~

See you next week.

