Introducing Vault: the best dApp and Collectibles wallet you’ve ever seen.

John Egan
4 min readSep 13, 2018


Vault is a new kind of ethereum wallet that’s built from the ground up to bring the fun and utility of dApps to everyone’s pocket.

Today, we’re launching Vault, the easiest to use and friendliest Ethereum collectible and dApp discovery experience ever built.

BONUS: if you’re one of the first to install Vault, we’ll send your new wallet a FREE COLLECTIBLE to get you started!

At Vault, we don’t think the future of crypto is just about holding coins, we think it’s about an unstoppable ecosystem of amazing dApps, services, and collectibles that everyone can enjoy. It’s about developers being able to build applications that rely on trustworthy storage of data and ownership without having to work with traditional sellers of trust (banks, escrow agents, etc).

Cole, Zac, and I weren’t happy with the options for mobile wallets that we saw when we tried to tell our friends about the exciting future that these dApps could provide, and we didn’t feel like anything in the market really captured the magic of the wallet and collectible ownership.

Nothing out there was fun.

So we built Vault to give everyone an easier way to take advantage of the blockchain.

A wallet in everyone’s pocket

We think everyone deserves to have access to the future, that’s why Vault focuses on dApps and collectibles, because everyone can enjoy these right now.

You don’t need $10,000 on an exchange and you don’t need to read candlestick charts to enjoy what the blockchain offers.

Introducing Vault

With Vault, you get a secure and easy to use wallet, a quick and easy way to discover and interact with web3 applications, a contacts management experience, and a beautiful collectibles experience so you can show off your items to your friends.

Throughout the next week we’ll be releasing detailed blog posts describing each function of Vault.

For now, we think you should just download it and start playing around!

A bet on the future

Like many disruptive technologies before it, Ethereum has fundamentally lowered the barrier for anyone wanting to create new experiences within the class of trustworthy and financially involved applications. Programmable money and trustworthy storage of data means historically incumbent players in these industries are suddenly at risk of disruption from any kid in his garage with an understanding of Solidity and blockchain.

dApp builders up until today have only just scratched the surface of what can be built, and by working to provide a reactive, friendly interface, we hope to bring more users, and thus more developers, to this ecosystem.

Security from day 1

At its core, Vault provides a secure HD Wallet stored in the secure enclave of your iOS device. Your private key is yours, and never leaves your device, nor is it ever transmitted to Vault servers (so make sure you write it down!).

Our wallet is open source and part of our Etherkit project (more on this below).

A commitment to open source

One of the biggest roadblocks we hit when we first started building Vault was the difficulty in finding reliable frameworks for connecting Swift to the Ethereum network.

We started building the Etherkit library to support building rich, secure applications on the Ethereum blockchain. Etherkit includes…

  • A spec-compliant JSONRPC API with both HTTPS/Websocket support.
  • A conversion engine that can convert between subdenominations of Ethereum.
  • A Keystore for generating and accessing Ethereum Wallets.
  • A codegen utility for generating Swift bindings for a Contract’s ABI.

Etherkit is also the proud recipient of a Ethereum Foundation development grant. We are excited to continue working with the Foundation to bring additional tools and resources to dApp builders.

We will continue to contribute to EtherKit as we iterate on Vault and hope that you’ll join us.

Our believers

We’re also excited to formally announce that Vault has closed a round of seed capital to help us continue to grow into the best way for everyone to access blockchain applications and collectibles.

We’re pleased to have ConsenSys Ventures, FirstMark Capital, Raptor Group, Unusual Ventures, Digital Currency Group, and CoinFund on this journey with us.

Read more about our seed round.

We hope you’ll check out Vault at:

Are you building a dApp? Tell us about it and get listed on vault at

Want to help us bring blockchain applications to the world? We’re hiring:

