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Key Takeaways from AWS re:Invent 2023 for Software Architects

Ankur Kumar
5 min readDec 16, 2023


AWS re:Invent 2023 has continued the tradition of being the most happening cloud computing technology event of the year. While there were many sessions covering leadership, partnership, technology updates, case studies, and much more — this article focused on sharing key takeaways from the event for software architects. Read about 2022 re:Invent takeaways by clicking here.

#1 — The frugal architect with cost awareness and sustainability mindset

Werner’s keynote has always been the most inspirational because of his candid, simple, pragmatic & effective way of communicating as per current circumstances. The key theme of Werner Vogels’ keynote highlighted the need of the hour to be cost-aware and sustainable at every step of the system architecture, design, and implementation with principles such as:

The Frugal Architect & Principles (by Werner Vogels)
The Frugal Architect & Principles (by Werner Vogels) — Cost to Build & Cost to Operate

Additionally, these quotes used by Werner are a great reminder to keep looking forward and be aware of the current market situation:

Find the dimensions you’re going to make money over, then make sure that architecture follows the money — Cost-aware…



Ankur Kumar

Engineering lead | Experimentalist & Enabler | Blogs abt Cloud, Software Architecture, Microservices, Data Platforms, Cloud-native, DevOps, Opensource, Caching