Verasity Trading Competition on WhaleWarz!

Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2019

We are excited to announce that we are holding a trading competition on WhaleWarz! The competition is going live on May 01 2019 so make sure you sign up to WhaleWarz in time to secure your place in the competition. The entry is FREE until the competition starts, after that there is a 0.01 BTC fee to enter. The prize pool is a huge $2000 worth of BTC! The duration is only 3 days long so put the date in your calendar and be ready.

Entering the competition is quite straightforward, on the WhaleWarz website they have a ‘Join a competition’ button in the top left — once clicked you are able to select the Verasity competition. From there simply follow the prompts, create a BitMex account and follow the instructions on WhaleWarz carefully!

Why have a Trading Competition?

Trading competitions are a great way for us to boost our exposure to the wider cryptocurrency and blockchain community that may not have heard of us before! It’s a given that once our brand becomes more visible that there will be a lot of new potential investors of our token once they read into our project, strategy and vision.

VRA staking

Don’t forget that we have launched our VRA staking program — a way to stake VRA and earn 0.1% bonus VRA every 24 hours (36.5% per year!) You will need at least 100,000 VRA to stake, so after you have purchased the required VRA on HitBTC, head over to to start staking! You can learn more about VRA staking here.

About WhaleWarz:

WhaleWarz is crypto’s hottest trading competition. Simply create an account and start trading for the highest gains to be the winner and take out massive prize pools. Users are ranked according to profit and loss live on the leaderboard.

About BitMex:

  • BitMEX is a Peer-to-Peer Trading Platform that offers leveraged contracts that are bought and sold in Bitcoin.
  • BitMEX only handles Bitcoin. All profit and loss is in Bitcoin, even if you’re buying and selling altcoin contracts. BitMEX does not handle fiat currency.
  • BitMEX allows trading with a high amount of leverage.

About Verasity is a leading video player providing unique Rewarded Video Player Technology to major video publishers across the globe. The patent-pending Video Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the video player wallet. Our unique player technology is already available to over 1.5 million video publishers with 500 million users and over 100 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences, and revenues back to video publisher sites from YouTube. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, video publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video.

Verasity Products include: Genesis Player:, VeraWallet:

VRA (ticker) is trading on HitBTC:,


VRA can be staked for 36.5% annual interest at

Follow the VRA token at CoinMarketCap. Join our Telegram chat at

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Media Contact:

Anne Szustek Talbot
BX3 Capital




Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews