Verge Fam 2020: Verge International

Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2020

This is part 2 out of a 3 part series of who is the Verge community. In the first piece you saw who and where to follow us; may it be twitter, facebook and telegram. This time, I want to take a minute to talk about the heroic community managers that we have. The verge community is decentralized like the project it supports, so we have many individuals that contribute day and night.

With over 13 500 people in the main telegram channel, and a series of other channels to follow, these admins do a great job. So this is dedicated to them the people that make the community run.

Our offering of channels when you join, thanks to Vergenia

Do not Message these people directly if you want to know prices, or have general questions, please visit our channels first.

First in the telegram admin lineup, there is core member Jason, otherwise known as CC66, you can find him with the tag @superadmin in the international verge telegram channel, as well as helping people out in the wallet support channel. Jason is a crypto historian, having been around since the early days, he can tell you a lot about any project. He’s also the main person that moderates our discord.

After this, there is Roger, tag @drogert, you can also find him in most verge channels, because he is the creator behind Vergenia. Our beloved spam bot, that also verifies if you are human and other such things. If you need to build a bot, this guy is the person to ask.

Another admin you need to know about, is @fDashwood , DJ at Radio Crypto., if you like metal, him and cc will teach you much about the genre.

Then I would say that there is the famous @VergeJaguar, same guy as on twitter, he is always hustling and if he doesn’t know something, he will find the person to ask. The guy is a walking redbull powered machine, with everlasting persistence, he will not stop until he gets answers. You definitely want him on your back.

You probably saw @Ard1980, another of our dutch community, this guy is around 24/7 to make sure moonboys get a cold shower. He’s always there to point people in the right direction.

@hulse was in the verge channel before everything. Going by the name of Hum, he has that glorious mustache, he’s generally quiet, but scammers will find themselves removed before they have had a chance to say: have you heard of this product called…..

If you have any issues with your wallet, @Xvid777 is your guy. He might not know everything but he’ll point you in the right direction. Feel free to tag him in the Verge International group or our Wallet Support group (

Wolfie is yet another crypto OG who can be found in our main Telegram group. As his tag @XVG_HypeMan states, he is the Verge hype man! He always retweets each and every tweet mentioning Verge. Tag him for helpful informations and great humor.

Grandpriest, tag @grandpriest, is always around and ready to answer numerous questions from the community. He is a long time Verge supporter and a living database of Verge stickers and gifs.

That’s it for the International Admin’s, without whom the chat rooms gif party etiquette would have long been forgotten. but we are not done,

The bridge between Verge the project, and the Vergefam is what brings value to the #blockchain. The people in this series is the reason we keep volunteering and come back.

Part 3: of who is #XVG is here.




English teacher/editor Canadian living in Germany. Verge Currency editor.