Who is the Verge community 2020?

4 min readMay 27, 2020


Edit: This is the first part of a 3 part installment. the links to the other 2 parts are at the bottom.

It’s spring! Like many places during the spring time, we clean up and we often rediscover things we may have forgotten about... Such as this post by Kristopher, dated from 2018.

I thought I’d do a refresher on who the team is now. In the last 2 years, we’ve had new additions, role changes, as well as departures. In this article, you’ll find the updated links to follow the core team and community members and stay up to date with what is going on!

This reminder comes at a great time, having added MeconCash as a partner, it will make it easy for new individuals to discover, who is the volunteering team behind Verge.

The Dev Team

First up, follow @justinvendetta, the lead developer. @darkmarpme, our lead software engineer. @SwenvanZanten, the leading iOS developer and @CabrasManuel. And finally, the secret maker of the best verge stickers out there, our web developer, responsible to keep the site up and running, @_maxius_.

Our @XVGDevBot will retweet all the development stuff with a #DevUpdate hashtag, a convenient place to stay up to date with all XVG tech related developments and news.

Also, let’s not forget that Verge Currency is an open source project, so you will find the source code at our GitHub repo here.

The Marketing and Business Development Team

You can follow @VergeCurrency for all the larger and noteworthy updates. After following our main handle, head over and follow VergeFam’s community manager and peace keeper, @mihael_cm. Then there’s @VergeCanada for even more Verge currency, partner news and competitions. Mark is an absolute machine. He’ll speak to more people in a single day than we’d speak to anyone in a normal week.

When it comes to business outreach, questions about how to reach companies, join us at the open Trello board here. If you have any questions about it, ask Alex directly from Trello or on Twitter. If you need help writing emails, @melvin_van_es is the person to ask.

Let’s not forget @desolatorbtc, who organises team meetings, produces great community updates as well as answers all the emails and questions directed to the main Verge currency email. Drop us a line here.

That’s it for Twitter!

If you want to join us, you can always look at our socials.

The Graphics Team

Verge doesn’t look this good without its amazing graphic designers. Thanks to Hassan, we have our amazing logo. You can find the press kit on our website or you can even find the graphics catalogue on or GitHub repo. This is the current branding guideline.

Then we have the team behind @fueled_by_verge, our e-Sports community. @niteshadowXVG and @alchemi_co, who both produce awesome marketing content, hit them up to see cool art and designs.

In terms of video design, we have to thank @The Crypto Camel for making commercials with our partners. Without his dedication, Alex would make another presentation with his face behind it.

Verge Currency Advisers

Advisers make the core of the Verge community, as we are all volunteers, many people have limited time to donate to verge, but can donate resources and skills to make the project what it is. Lloyd is one of those, helping with a lot of the day to day running of Verge, but also with paper work and the gritty stuff you don’t see.

Another important adviser, the mentor, the communities big daddy… CryptoRekt, who helps us in our time of need, he’s also one of the early adopters in crypto, so you should definitely give him a follow, here.

Above we mentioned Kristopher, whose insight and prose is invaluable to the team, secondly as an entrepreneur, he shows insight into the project we wouldn’t have. You should follow him for business and tech posts.

Also advisers to the team are both @wit_sec_birb and Harry. Birb knows a bit and helps me make sure I don’t goof up publications. And Harry, well he’s our resident market expert who also happens to know a guy. Many things wouldn’t happen if Harry didn’t know someone, or something to help us advance the cause.


Many of us are on Facebook, please don’t send us all friends request, but do follow the team progress on the official Facebook page. You can also follow our e-Sports team, fueled_by_verge.

The official Facebook group is here.

The unofficial Facebook group is here.


Discord is the root of our community. It’s where you can interact with most of the team. Join us here: https://discord.gg/vergecurrency


The Verge community once was called Dogecoin dark, because we have fun with GIFs and memes. And no we were not forked from Dogecoin, we were a fork of Peercoin, but now we are sourced directly from Bitcoin.

If you wish to partake in the everyday GIF party, join us on Telegram here.
https://t.me/VERGExvg and if you don’t like the constant GIF wars,
you can follow our news channel: https://t.me/vergeXVGannouncement

Part 2: of the who is #XVG is here.
part 3: of who is #XVG is here.




English teacher/editor Canadian living in Germany. Verge Currency editor.