Calling All Vespernauts: CREAM Proposal

Vesper Finance
Vesper Finance
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2021

Since Vesper’s launch one month ago, it has been clear the community isn’t made up merely of people who happen to have the same token in their respective wallets. It is indeed a group that shares the founding team’s values and principles.

Decentralized governance is core to the long term success of Vesper, and we now have an opportunity to come together as a community for the first time in a way that demonstrates the power of what Vesper stands for and what we are building together.

On April 22, we will be submitting a proposal to CREAM Finance for the consideration of VSP and vVSP as supported assets on their lending platform. Voting weight is polled based on a wallet’s CREAM balance in the 28 days leading up to the vote.

The Vesper community can maximize its collective voting power by holding CREAM (or crCREAM) tokens in their voting wallets for 28 days prior to the vote.

What VSP and vVSP as supported assets on CREAM means:

  • More utility, creating a lending market for VSP and vVSP.
  • Potential for new Vesper Grow pools
  • More channels for bringing new users into the Vesper orbit.

The Vesper team is also working alongside counterparts at Spacechain and Metronome to get-out-the-vote. SPC and MET are helping to vote for Vesper tokens, and hopefully vice versa. A successful vote means that Vesper can incorporate new Grow pools for each token that leverage CREAM’s platform to generate yield (similar to current strategies that interface with Maker).

Additionally, a successful vote will help establish the Vesper community within CREAM, opening the door for integrating other vTokens (i.e, vETH) so users can realize some additional utility while their tokens accrue yield.

There will be more news closer to the date with an explanation on how to vote with your CREAM. Make sure to spread the word so all Vespernauts are aware and can help contribute toward Vesper’s continued growth and integration in the DeFi ecosystem!

Vesper Fi!

