Contributor Spotlight: Ladies Step Forward

This round of number-crunching, notable stats and community research focuses on women.

Matic Magister
Viberate — Music Data Company
5 min readJun 17, 2020


Did you know that women make 1/3 of the Viberate team? While we were crunching the numbers, we naturally got curious what the wider community stats have to say on the topic. Let’s take a closer look.


Our community is made up of almost 20% women, and according to the data, they handle an absolutely kickass amount of entries (more on that in the next chapter).

In May 2020, the ladies mostly edited or added to the Artist profiles (almost 97% of all their entries), which is understandable — because of the Covid-19 situation, events and festivals are sadly pretty much non-existent.

The top 10 countries most contributed to by our women contributors in May were the United States (in the lead with 33%), United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Australia, and, for the first time in our “top 10” list, Ecuador.

And what about preferred genres? We’ve assembled a list of the top 5 genres that the women of our community contribute to the most. From the looks of it, it’s a close tie between Pop and Electronic, with Rock following closely behind.

Contributor Spotlight

A big round of applause goes to Xoel López ☔, who got to the very top of the charts in May and scored an incredible 173.380 points. Good work!

Two women also made the Top 10, namely Astrid 👑 at #2 and vALEn ESKEREEEEE ♫ at #9. To see how many adds and edits these two Venezuelan hotshots entered to earn the coveted “Legendary” and “Hero” badges, respectively, check out the chart below.

And if you haven’t brushed up on your knowledge of the Czech music scene yet, be sure to read the latest “Spotted” edition, in which Ondrej lets us peek into his music-lover lifestyle.

What’s New & in the Pipeline

Roll out the party banners and crack open the champagne, it’s time to party! The guest of honor: our brand new contributor landing site, up and running after a couple of facelifts! Between you and me: it’s gorgeous. Look it up.

A totally new feature that’s also up: select how you want to contribute. In our efforts to make the contribution process easier, we’ve broken down the initial steps into two simple prompts: “Add new” and “Edit existing”. The idea is pretty straightforward: since there’s so many entries to the platform already, no one should have to stress about coming up with new stuff all the time — we also have to make sure the existing data is as up-to-date as possible.

With focused tasks and engagement tweaks, even first-time contributors will be more encouraged to share their knowledge, find new ideas, and provide info on all things music.

Tips & Tricks

Besides setting up our Discord community channel, last month’s most popular trick was apparently taking care of the artists’ profile pictures. To recap:

Add the artists’ pictures. Many artists are missing a profile picture, especially those from countries less represented on the music map. You can easily score extra points by browsing the linked social channels and adding a nice pic.

Update the artists’ pictures. Good-looking profiles stand out from the rest, so we encourage you to regularly assist the artists with the best possible content. Especially check out the more “indie” artists and update their pics with the latest stuff they’ve put on their socials.

Who’s Who at Viberate?

This time around, we’d like to turn the tables around a bit and introduce a member of our community: our mentor Sandra Crespo. Sandra started contributing to Viberate in 2017 thanks to a tip she received from a fellow contributor, and naturally grew into the mentor role thanks to her passion, clear communication skills, and openness to guide newcomers by sharing her experience. And she has that in spades.

“I’ve added and edited thousands of profiles, and each time I saw my contribution on the site, it felt AMAZING! It’s so cool to be part of this community.”

When asked about what inspired her to join, Sandra explains: “I remember when I read an article about Viberate, what caught my attention was that it represents a different way of participating in music. I’m not a musician, I’m not an artist, but I LOVE music. So when I saw that I could contribute and add my favorite artists, I didn’t think twice about joining Viberate — and learning that I have the opportunity to become a mentor was even better news.”

“The platform has definitely enriched my music taste and added a couple of must-visit places to my bucket list,” adds Sandra. While these days she mostly listens to Jaguar Jonze, the concert she’d most like to attend as soon as possible is Alanis Morissette. “I know she’s not trending right now, but her music will always be special to me😊”

And what is the “secret sauce” that makes a good mentor? Sandra has no doubt: “Passion. If you’re passionate about what you do, you’ll inevitably be good at it, because you’ll always strive to be better. And Viberate is my passion. Here we have a really ambitious, unique project that’s giving every musician on the planet an equal opportunity to get into the spotlight and meet and learn from other people along the way. There’s no other platform like it.”

If you’d like to chat to Sandra or any other community members, do hop on our Discord channel and drop us a line, folks — because this wraps up May 2020.

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