More security means more reasons for celebration

Matic Magister
Viberate — Music Data Company
2 min readFeb 9, 2018

From now on, chances of earning more VIBs are even higher. How did we manage that? We’ve been collecting your feedback and focusing our strengths on even safer and more secure way for you to contribute into our database.

Want to earn more?

Now you can get tips for increasing your chances to earn as many VIBs as possible directly on your personal profile. Click participation button and download the PDF guide for promotional posts on social media and most importantly EARN MORE.

Faster suggestion process

On a daily basis we receive massive amounts of new artist profiles and change suggestions on existing ones. To speed up the process of suggesting changes, we upgraded the system which detects completely faulty links, so you will get the immediate response that the link is not correct. That way, you can minimize the time you spend suggesting changes to the database and maximize your efficiency.

Verification for all accounts

As of today, SMS verification is mandatory for all accounts, including Facebook and Google, which means you will get a text with a code to verify your account. This way, we’ll be able to minimize the number of fake registrations and provide additional security. In the upcoming updates, SMS verification will be implemented for withdrawal requests as well.

In case you created your account with Facebook or Google and you want to change the password on the site, our system will recognize it and tell you to switch to Facebook or Google account to proceed. That way everything will go much faster.

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Never resting, always moving

The only good spam is no spam

