Viberate in Numbers: How Are We Handling the Distancing?

The time must come for every music data company to turn its analytical eye on itself. We present: our isolation stats.

Urska Jaksa
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readApr 28, 2020


It’s now week 7 of our home office life, and in between crunching numbers, Zoom marathons and deadline sprints, we decided to sniff out (OK, not literally) some interesting stats about ourselves as well. As always, our marketing team went for the dirty details. Are we eating too much? When was the last time anyone’s worn jeans? And of course — what are we jamming to?

Here’s what we found out:

👙 RIP Beach Bodies

We’re bound to get heavier, as we’re eating way more.

On the other hand, a good percent of us have discovered a passion for jogging, working out, and generally putting tracksuits to their intended purpose, so statistically, the office chairs need not fear our return.

🎸 Rocking Around

Speaking of heavy stuff: when it comes to music, our developers and data/support team seem to currently enjoy heavier riffs, especially Iron Maiden. The majority of jokers can be found in the product department, and by “jokers” we mean people who swear they can’t get enough of “Never Gonna Give You Up” or “10 Hours of Celestial White Noise”. They probably get along great with whomever it is in the marketing department who jams to “Tibetan flute music”, though.

The majority of us have watched at least one music livestream or an artist’s online performance. If there’s a set worthy of an extra shoutout, it’s UMEK’s ReConnect set we’ve already written about.

🧘 Netflix & Chill

Along with the Zoom marathons, we love series marathons as well. Still, when it comes to “Tiger King”, only half of us have seen it.

Did the panic-buying of toilet paper and any of the bonkers conspiracy theories affect us? Doesn’t look like it, as we’re still reportedly very chill…at least when we’re not trolling our Facebook friends.

🧨 Last but Not Least: Our Playlist!

You didn’t think we were just going to casually mention our (weird) jams without giving you a taste, did you? When we surveyed our music tastes, several team members volunteered their go-to isolation songs, so behold: our weird and wonderful Viberate Isolation Tracks Playlist.

Will it bring extra cheer to your day? We hope so. Like we like to say: “Issa vibe!”

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