Meet The Team: Q&A With Co-Founder, A.I. & Crypto Protocol Architect of Viola.AI — Zam Ong

Christina Thung
Published in
4 min readApr 9, 2018

Dear Viola.AI Community,

It’s another edition of Meet The Team where we introduce another one of our key member of Viola.AI.

If you missed our previous Meet The Team, you can read them below!

CEO & Co-Founder Violet Lim: here.

Co-Founder & Business Development Head Jamie Lee: here.

Now, meet Zam.

Experienced Chief Operations Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the consumer services industry, Zam boasts a strong successful experience in Product Management, Digital Strategy, AI & Technology Management.

He is also one of the co-founder of esync, a hybrid of online and offline dating service under Lunch Actually Group which was launched in 2012. Since then, esync has grown to 5 countries in Asia and garnered hundreds of thousands of users.

Zam was instrumental in the early conceptualization of Viola.AI. Now his role is to oversee the Tech development, which includes the AI capabilities, MVP, and Smart Contracts for Viola.AI.

We sit down with Zam to find out more about his thoughts on the increasing popularity of ICOs and what drives him to this exciting project.

Hi Zam, firstly, for those who may not be familiar with how ICO works, why would one opt for an ICO when there are so many other ways one can raise capital?

Z: Well, when you see other kickstarter or crowdfunding projects, it’s actually quite similar to ICOs. And they can reach millions of people in a relatively short period of time. It also allows companies to form this community of supporters who believe in their project. It’s a great way to launch an idea onto the global stage to be funded by the global community.

How do you deal with people who are very interested in ICOs, but either don’t understand what they are, or suspect they are a fraud of some kind?

Z: I would say, do your research. If you only google online, there are thousands of ICO ongoing projects, how would you know which one to support? First, look at the idea they presented. Is it a valid idea? Would it solve a current problem? Do you believe in what they are proposing? You can find out all these in the Whitepaper, which is always available on any ICO’s website.

Next, it’s very important to look at the credibility of the company that is doing the ICO and the team behind it. They have to know what they’re doing, and you need to be confident that they have the experience to create and make the project happen.

Other good things to look out for are: their Advisors, Roadmap, Video, ICO Ratings, and Media Coverage. The more trustworthy they are based on what they present not only in their website, but also from what other trusted ICO listings sites are saying about them, the higher chance their ICO would be a good cause to support.

What resources or infrastructure do you think need to be in place in order for more people to participate in crowdsales?

Z: I think people want to invest in something tangible. Of course, a lot of ICOs present an idea — and it’s a good way to gauge whether there’s real demand in the idea. When the soft cap is hit, then the company is able to fund the project to deliver the product that the public wants.

However, if a company has an MVP to show — I believe more people would participate in the sale, because it gives them, first, confidence in the team’s ability to deliver what they have promised, and secondly, by having something they can already use and play around, it creates real excitement for them to support the project further.

How did you first learn about Viola.AI? What made you want to join the project?

Z: As one of the co-founders of Viola.AI, I’m behind the inception of the project. I personally have also been in this dating industry for the past 10 years and it has grown on me and I always welcome new challenges. What made me want to start and work on Viola.AI is to lead the technical aspect of this new product. To be involved in exciting new technology that will have the potential to greatly improve human relationships is something I really look forward to learning, executing, and getting my hands on.

What excites you about Viola.AI project?

Z: For me, what excites me the most about this project is having the chance to make an impact in everyone’s life and helping create better lifetime relationships on a global scale for millions and billions of people.

How did you first learn about blockchain? What excited you most about it?

Z: I learnt about blockchain while doing research on crafting out the Viola.AI product. At that time, it was a new, rising technology which not many industries have adopted yet.

The dating industry is negatively affected by scammers and fraudsters since the start of online dating. With the advancement of Blockchain and AI technology, we are being presented with the opportunity and solution to reduce this longstanding issue. Blockchain provides a highly secured and yet decentralised approach to hash verified ID of each users in the blockchain. This allows genuine users to be 100% assured of their matches’ real identity (including their marital status, and also that they look like their photos). All of this will create a better trust in our ecosystem.

What kind of blockchain projects would you like to see in the future?

Z: Projects that will greatly improve the blockchain infrastructure (speed & cross-chain) and usability (UI/UX) to achieve greater user adoption.

Have more questions for Zam? Ask us on Telegram!

Stay tuned for next posts as we meet the rest of the team behind Viola.AI.

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Christina Thung

Content Creator, Marketer | +1 Netflix, Films and Fiction |