Viola.AI Updates #18: 18 Days to ICO

We’re counting down to Token Sale launch

Freddie Lacorte
5 min readMay 30, 2018


Greetings Viola.AI Community!

We’re counting down to Token Sale launch

In less than 3 weeks, the Token Sale goes LIVE on 17 June, 8.00pm SGT (UTC+08). While in the midst of getting ourselves ready for a better campaign that Viola.AI deserves, we’re sharing with you recent and fresh updates as of 30 May 2018!

Before reading through, please note that we are always here to listen to your enquiries and feedback on socials and other communication channels. You definitely know where to find us! =)

Telegram (Main, English) | Telegram (Korean) | Telegram (Deutschland/German) | Email | Facebook | Twitter | Follow us on IG too!

Bonus Token Tiers and Timeline: Public Sale Launching in 18 Days

Today, 30 May 2018, we are officially announcing our Bonus Token Tiers and Timeline for the upcoming Public Sale (17 June to 16 July 2018).

The same details will also be shown on our website and your dashboard soon. There is no individual cap during the 30-day campaign period.

We just couldn’t keep you waiting…

#LoveForAll Campaign Launched: A Call For Real-Life Stories

We are allocating 10,000 VIOLET tokens for this campaign as we pick the 10 best real-life stories from the Viola.AI Community!

Submit your entries from now until 8 June 2018, Friday, 11.59pm SGT. Your stories will also be featured across our online materials (with an option for anonymity upon request).

Get the chance to win 1,000 VIOLET tokens when your stories get selected by our team.Winners will be announced on 11 June, Monday. FIND OUT MORE

Progress on MVP Launch with the Alpha Testers

Over the past few months, the team has committed resources in developing the following features according to our Product Roadmap: Viola.AI Dating Advisory, Viola.AI Wallet, Viola.AI Merchant Site and Viola.AI Chat Engine.

We have placed higher priority on Viola.AI Chat Engine and Wallet to be ready for testing while the Merchant Site is currently in the progress of being updated with more content.

We are also delighted to announce the launch of Viola.AI Minimum Viable Product (MVP) testing for our selected Alpha Club members is set to happen on 5th of June!

As this MVP is in the very early stage, we understand that there is room for improvement. Our Alpha Testers’ feedback are highly valuable to us, as we are working to continuously improve Viola.AI to make it the best Blockchain and AI Dating and Relationship app!

Media Round-Table Event in Korea

Jamie and Violet just recently came back from Seoul for the invite-only Media Rountable and have successfully introduced Viola.AI among the members of the press.I’m a new Text block ready for your content.

To our Korean Community Members, here are the latest media coverage in your local language:

‘AI·블록체인으로 가짜 프로필 거른다’ 데이팅 앱 연내 출시
— Yonhap News

“가짜 사진 꼼짝마” 블록체인 데이팅 앱 ‘바이올라 AI’, 韓 상륙 예고
— Financial News

페이스북도 뛰어든 데이팅앱···블록체인·인공지능 신기술 접목 활발
— Kyunghyang Shinmun

Other media articles were reported by Newsis, MSN, Hankook Ilbo, Asia Today, Korea Economic Daily, Venture Square, Joongang Ilbo, Money Today, Electronic Times and IT DongA.

Annyeong Haseyo! Meet our New Community Manager in Korea

Today, we’re glad go introduce to you the recent addition to our Community Management Team who will be helping us in brand building and community growth in South Korea.

Viola.AI의 한국 텔레그램 채널에 가입하세요

Introducing, Community Manager, Heedo Kim!

Click the link below to go his bio.

Did you participate in our most recent AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Jamie and Violet on 26th of May? If not, you can still catch up and watch the recorded Facebook Live video.

Don’t worry, got that covered too! WATCH HERE

Those are the most recent progress that we have collated for the Viola.AI Community for today.

More exciting news to come. See you on Telegram!

Lots of LOVE from Singapore to the World,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
DM me on Telegram | Follow me on Medium | Connect with me on LinkedIn

Help billions of people find love and happiness.

VIOLET Token Sale begins on 17 June. Get whitelisted here.

Go to #LoveForAll Submission Form

Your entry can even center around a story of a loved one, a friend, your neighbour, a colleague, or somebody dearest to you.

Submission for entry will be closed on 8th June, Friday, 11.59pm SGT. You are about to take a step in making a difference and bringing positive influence to the world by sharing your story, your own interpretation of Love For All while relating this to the concept of Viola.AI ICO project (any of its features and core capabilities).

