Weekly Progress Report: Q3 Issue No. 2

Product Roadmap and Community Highlights of Viola.AI

Freddie Lacorte
4 min readSep 3, 2018


(Estimated Read Time: 4 Minutes)


The Weekly Progress Report provides a one-stop source of the most relevant information for Community Members that tracks the fulfillment of our Product Roadmap and other Must Have’s — to achieve a more universal understanding of the project’s status. By keeping you regularly informed, we hope to keep you all fairly dealt with by the volume and relevance of details that you deserve to receive from our Team.

In Q3 Issue No. 2, you’d be spending 4 minutes to capture what have been progressing in Product Development and Community Initiatives of Viola.AI; and some selected highlights in our To-Do List.

Let’s talk about Triumphs, areas of Opportunities, and even new Discoveries.


In Development (September): Smart Features of AI and Real-ID Verification, Marketplace Module, Relationship AI Assistant Module for Attached Couples.

Completed Since May: Personal Relationship AI Assistant Module for Singles, Wallet and Token Application. Downloadable MVP on Google Play since 28 July.

>>See Full View

- WIP’s -

Viola.AI celebrates its most recent small-to-big wins with the Community; including our Works-In-Progress (WIP’s) too!

WIP #1: This week, we will be announcing another Bounty Report to include eligible winners on our past Telegram Bounty campaigns, along with the updated Final Eligibility Report of Proof of Love Bounty Program. Tune in here on Medium or check our Viola.AI HIGHLIGHTS on Telegram.

WIP #2: Re-Launch of Proof Bounty Program to support our Marketing strategy for growth acquisition and brand awareness of Viola.AI. Targeted and timely-relevant campaigns every month!

WIP #3: Alfred, our Telegram Chat Bot, has just returned from his one-month vacation. He’d be back soon to answer some of your enquiries. Back to work, Alfred!

Continue Reading…You’re almost done; don’t close this window. =)

A very surprising news to close this article!


From MEW to Viola.AI App Wallet. There were ICO contributors (Alpha Club members) who have already received their Paid VIOLET Tokens in their ERC20 Wallet Address. Some of them have eventually decided to send tokens from MEW to Viola.AI App (MVP) Wallet. Kudos to Anne Loraine for raising this on Telegram!

>>Read Guide

Mobile App UI Presentation: When Michael Meets Rachel. Who says that a Mobile App UI can’t be presented just like a movie scene? Here’s Viola.AI on Director’s Cut: Scene 1…

>>View Viola.AI in action

Declaration of Marriage on the Blockchain


We are currently developing Real-ID, one of the core capabilities of the app, to widen the utilisation and functionality of our product the Token.

Out of the many, below are selected mock-ups that we can share (for now) as we get ready for the next release of Viola.AI within two months.

For illustration purposes only


In our last progress report, we’ve shared with you how we kept ourselves driven to overcome and surpass the pending approval of our MVP on the App Store. Thanks for patiently waiting. Here’s an awesome news for all iOS users!

>>Download the MVP now (iOS Users) | For Android Users

Any matters of the HEART? QUESTIONS in this week’s report? Which topics did you find most or least relevant and useful for you and for the Community? What do you want to know next?

>>Answer our Online Suggestion Box

Our Mission continues.
We are
‘Changing the World, One Relationship at a Time’.

On behalf of the Viola.AI Team,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
DM me on Telegram | Follow me on Medium | Connect with me on LinkedIn

