Go to Vipps Mobilepay
Vipps Mobilepay
A blog from Vipps Mobilepay, about dazzle, technology, people, culture and payment — in both Norwegian and English.
Note from the editor

A blog from Vipps Mobilepay, about dazzle, technology, people, culture and payment — in both Norwegian and English.

Go to the profile of Vipps
Go to the profile of Christian Løverås
Go to the profile of Sven Malvik
Sven Malvik
Software Developer at Vipps AS Norway working mostly with Azure related services.
Go to the profile of Marit Andreassen
Marit Andreassen
Er opptatt av livets mysterier og små gleder. Er en observatør, deltaker og drømmer. Agil coach, mamma, blid og jobber i Vipps.
Go to the profile of Christian Løverås
Go to the profile of Marit Andreassen
Marit Andreassen
Er opptatt av livets mysterier og små gleder. Er en observatør, deltaker og drømmer. Agil coach, mamma, blid og jobber i Vipps.
Go to the profile of Christian Løverås
Christian Løverås
Rider of bicycles. Skier of skis. Mountain man. I work for Vipps, a Norwegian payment and identity company.
Go to the profile of Sven Malvik
Go to the profile of Marit Andreassen
Go to the profile of Reza Sobut
Go to the profile of Even Westerveld
Go to the profile of Martin Ehrnst
Martin Ehrnst
Tech Lead cloud platform at Vipps. Microsoft Azure MVP and half decent race car driver.
Go to the profile of Christian Ekrem
Christian Ekrem
Follower of Jesus & Staff Software Engineer @ Vipps MobilePay
Go to the profile of Max Schrøder
Max Schrøder
Head of Design at Vipps MobilePay
Go to the profile of Thorbjørn Sigberg
Thorbjørn Sigberg
Lean-Agile coach — Process junkie, passion for product- and change management.