Go to Virtual Teams for Systemic Change
Virtual Teams for Systemic Change
People make systemic change happen on street, neighbourhood, village level… and that's most important. Also, there's great need to act and coordinate activities at areas of various scale: from local area to bioregional / national / regional to transnational to global.
Note from the editor

I'm curating this content with this intention for myself and others: (1) Learn until it works. (2) Share what you've learned. (3) Stay open for learning. + Here's a call to action that I like, by Barbara Max Hubbard: "The awakening of our species and our search for solutions is occurring, but it's scattered, and it's certainly not in dominion anywhere. The larger social structures are proving to be inadequate to solve the problems they're creating. New social innovations are emerging everywhere, but they are not sufficiently connected or empowered. So right now, any effort that we can make to connect and create greater synergy and participation in this awakening process is probably the most important thing we can do."

Go to the profile of Nenad Maljković
Nenad Maljković
Network weaver and group process facilitator with "Towards regenerative cultures through dialogic collaboration" motto. Based in Zagreb, Croatia.
Go to the profile of Justi Carey
Go to the profile of François Knuchel
François Knuchel
Developing Organisational Agility & Thrivability through full engagement; give everyone a voice, listen & embrace multiple perspectives & collective wisdom
Go to the profile of Pedro Portela
Pedro Portela
System’s Thinking my way through a Complex life.
Go to the profile of Ted Rau
Ted Rau
Sociocracy, Non-Violent Communication, Linguistics