Right content at right time to your audience

How to deliver the right content at the right time to your audience?

Akhil Ahuja
Marsview.ai Inc.


Consumers read an article or blog when they wish to read like they buy products when they are ready to buy. This means that any content produced can receive its viewers if it is conveyed to the right customer at the right time.

Timing is everything.

‘Timing’ plays a crucial role in defining success and failure. For example, a batsman hits a ball hard but if the timing isn’t perfect, it won’t go behind the boundary line.

A content marketer must understand how content can move the needle for the business toward sales growth. Content is the fuel that powers lead nurturing, but not just any content will do. The best content informs prospects, facilitates the buying process, and lays the foundation for an ongoing conversation.

Here’s a rundown of what you need to know in delivering the content

1. Target Audience - The one you want to reach with your marketing message, defining your target audience is considered as the business best practice.

To find the right audience you must be able to understand the buyer persona by understanding their demographics, infographics, behavior, interest, spending pattern, etc.

For customers to feel connected they need to relate the content and the tone of the company’s message. By analyzing buyer persona you can give the best content experience. This increases customer retention and engagement by increasing content watch time and resulting into marketing qualified leads.

2. Content Recommendation - When it comes to improving online marketing, content recommendation stands at the top. It is basically a system that you put in place for suggesting content that you think might be of interest to your readers by collecting and analyzing data based on users’ behavior.

These content suggestions on the site can help to increase page views, visit duration, shares, and engagement. All that has a direct impact on the bounce rate which will improve your overall ranking in search results and help you get even more traffic and page views.

If you do not already have a recommendation engine in place, you are missing out. Companies who dedicate a portion of their resources to personalization strategies are more likely to see a greater payoff with their marketing efforts.

3. Staying Informed - To create content we must keep ourselves updated about the market status of our product and especially the competitor and the trending topics also.

When we try to learn the market status we can produce content that could support our product. At the same time when we learn about our competitors we can understand which content is attracting the audience and how can we improve our content equivalent to that content? Similarly when we learn the trending topics we can discover which topics, related to your business or customers’ business, get the most attention.

4. Content optimization & Engagement - Content produced may be good but to reach the audience it has to be search engine optimized.

Optimization of content with tags, keywords, and proper highlights make it SEO friendly and appear on SERP. The content has to be optimized to retain audience engagement with the dynamic analytical intent of the reader. By this analysis, the right content can be used and reduce the bounce rate from the website.

5. Analytical Testing - Regular analysis and measurement of the content performance should be done to improve the quality of content. Analysis like which part of the content is more engaging, which type of content is viewed more all these data not just helps to produce good content to the audience but also helps to understand the audience's pattern on site.

Developing and implementing a content strategy isn’t easy, but done right, is well worth the effort. The right strategy will allow you to develop informative content to engage the right audience, at the right time, at the right place and in the right cadence. It will help you build trust, align marketing and sales and close more deals.

Are you creating content to engage your audience on-site, and have learned something not covered in this post? Let me know in the comments. I’d be interested to get your perspective.

Does it take long enough for your visitors to find what they’re looking for? visit www.marsview.ai, to know more.

Marsview is the industry’s first-ever AI-based Content Activation Platform built to understand, organize and activate the content journey of your prospective buyer/user. Marsview provides a single platform to observe, map, and record the patterns and habits of your customers/prospects/visitors’ content journey so you can serve unique, customized, engaging content experiences in real-time. Marsview has developed an innovative way for prospects to get to know a brand.

