Go to Visualizing, The Field
Visualizing, The Field
A practitioner’s guide to the practice of visualization
Note from the editor

While data visualization as a tool has existed for a long time, visualization as a profession is a new amalgam of many different fields. Visualizing, the Field is a forum for practitioners to discuss the scope and impact of this new profession. This collection of reflections on our practice will help us define the contours of our field and make evident the value it brings to our colleagues and our audience.

Go to the profile of Elijah Meeks
Elijah Meeks
Principal Engineer at Confluent. Formerly Noteable, Apple, Netflix, Stanford. Wrote D3.js in Action, Semiotic. Data Visualization Society Board Member.
Go to the profile of Moritz Stefaner
Moritz Stefaner
Truth & Beauty Operator
Go to the profile of Eric Socolofsky
Eric Socolofsky
Once an architect, now mapping and visualizing. In between: exhibit designer, web engineer, interaction designer/programmer, game developer, teacher.
Go to the profile of DashingD3js.com
Learn how to make Data Visualizations with D3.js // D3.js Tutorials, D3.js Screencasts, D3.js Training & D3.js Newsletter ( #DataViz & #D3js).
Go to the profile of Nadieh Bremer
Nadieh Bremer
Data Visualization Designer & Artist
Go to the profile of Kerry Rodden
Kerry Rodden
Consulting in data visualization, UX, data science. Exploring AI/ML. Ex-Google/YouTube. Trying not to lose my Scottish accent or forget my UK slang. She/her.
Go to the profile of lars verspohl
lars verspohl
data visualisation and analytics at www.datamake.io
Go to the profile of Shirley Wu
Shirley Wu
I code too much & don’t draw enough. @ucberkeley alum, 1/2 @datasketches, @d3bayarea & @d3unconf co-organizer ✨ currently freelancing → http://sxywu.com
Go to the profile of Susie Lu
Susie Lu
Senior Data Visualization Engineer at Netflix. Website, cartoons, painting.
Go to the profile of Jon Sadka
Jon Sadka
Student at HackReactor
Go to the profile of Jorge Camoes
Go to the profile of Tom MacWright