Biweekly Report

10.16–10.31, 2022

Joel Yang
Vite Labs
4 min readNov 1, 2022


Project Updates

Vite Leadership Changes

Luke Kim, who was previously the Chief Marketing Officer of Vite, will become the new CEO. Charles Liu and Richard Yan will step down from their positions and become advisors to the project. These changes are effective immediately. Many community members remember Luke from the early days of Vite. He represented the project at many high-profile events.

Over the coming weeks and months, Luke will be writing about future plans for Vite and meeting the community through AMAs. If you have questions, feel free to raise them on our various social media channels. Luke is excited to be reunited with the Vite Fleet! Read more about this major update here.

Q3 2022 Accomplishments

We have officially wrapped up the 3rd quarter of 2022! Time to take a look at what we have accomplished during this past quarter! These include Vite Passport, new ViteX listings, and more. Read more about it here.

Vite iOS App Updated

We’ve submitted Vite App iOS 4.3.3 to the App Store, which is now available to download to our Apple devices. In this new version, native $ETH and $BNB are no longer supported. But don’t worry! If you hold either asset in the Vite App, you can transfer them out to a different wallet before updating to the latest version. Or, if you have updated to the latest version automatically, you can export the Vite wallet mnemonics to a different wallet such as Metamask. Your assets are safe and accessible that way.

Going forward, the Vite App will focus on the $VITE chain ecosystem only, it will no longer be a multi-chain wallet. One final point, this latest version is compatible with iOS 16.1, and the minimum iOS system requirement is iOS 12.

Key Activities

ETHW Now Available for Cross-Chain Withdrawals

ETHW is now available for cross-chain withdrawals from your Vite App! If you have received the airdrop, please withdraw your tokens before Jan 31, 2023. Vite Gateway will disable the withdrawal function for ETHW on Jan 31, 2023.

$100 VITE Giveaway

For the last few days of October, we held a spooky $100 VITE Giveaway to mark the Halloween Holiday! Good luck to all participants who will win a share of the prize!

Community and Ecosystem Contributions and Shoutouts

Making Cents Lists on ViteX

Congrats to the Making Cents team for listing on ViteX. Users can now trade with the CENT / VITE pair. Happy trading!

VITCSwap Upgrade Coming Soon

We want to send a special shoutout to the VitaminCoin team working on an updated VITCSwap v2. Check out their tweet below and prepare for updates from the only decentralized swap on the Vie network.

VITE & VX Data

Full Nodes Data

Snapshot Block Producer Data


ViteX Official:


Vite Forum:


Korean Kakao Community:






