Vite Bi-Weekly Report

June 1~15, 2019

Vite Editor
Vite Labs
4 min readJun 18, 2019


Recent Milestones

  • ViteX+ Nebulas Chain partnership. We’re happy to announce that Nebulas will be joining the ViteX ecosystem as a ViteX Operator and will be integrating their coin, NAS with ViteX once our DEX goes live.
  • Vite Official SBPs were revoked on June 5. After the Vite Pre-Mainnet was launched, in order to ensure the equal competition within community-run nodes, all Vite official SBPs were revoked on June 5. Current SBPs with rewards include: Korea_node, BayernM, XS_Fund,,, Elegance.Vite, vite.NO1 and ViteTI.
  • Full-node reward update. Since the full-node reward came from the Vite official SBP mining rewards, after the official nodes were taken down, the total daily distribution of the full nodes were set to 14,820 VITE daily.
  • On June 5, according to SNC, Vite was ranked #2 in GitHub blockchain project code updates within the past month.
  • On June 8th, the Vite wallet airdrop interface was attacked, and the airdrop service was temporarily suspended. Our engineers worked hard to release an update (Vite Wallet iOS 2.3.0) on June 10 and the airdrop function was resumed.
  • On June 12th, the Vite Android wallet 2.1.1 was released.
  • On June 13th, a new game, Lucky 9, was launched on the Vite wallet app. Lucky 9 was developed by one of our very own Vite community members so be sure to check it out!

System Developments


Go-vite v2.1.5 was released:

  • Fixed an issue to reduce node CPU usage and improved the block producing rate of the SBPs.
  • Fixed inaccurate statistic reporting for pending transactions.


  • New transactions and pending transaction events for individual accounts have been added to list of monitored events.
  • Released version 0.4.3 of the VS Code Smart Contract Debugging Plugin, which supports offline query contracts on Linux and Windows 64-bit.
  • Started go-vite code pair programming in an effort to improve system stability via the following three methods: 1) finished code review and added additional code comments to improve readability, 2) reconstructed code logic for unit testing, and 3) improved edge case coverage.

Under development:

  • Improving computational logic optimization of trusted synchronization nodes within the network layer to avoid forking and strengthen anti-attack capabilities.

Vite Wallet App


  • Vite Wallet iOS 2.3.0 is now available! The new update supports GRIN and VITE ERC20 to VITE native coin one-button token conversion.
  • Android wallet versions 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 were launched — the wallet now supports VITE token conversion and we fixed an issue that allowed users to take advantage of the the airdrop function.
  • ViteJS: version 2.1.2 was released with code hinting and exchange-related functions.

Under development:

  • Vite Bifrost development: Vite Bifrost is an open protocol used by Vite Wallet and is similar to WalletConnect. By scanning QR codes and using end-to-end encryption technology, the desktop application data can be connected to the mobile wallet to make the web application more secure and reliable.
  • For Vite iOS wallet: Bifrost functionality is 30% complete; ETH cross-chain gateway development is 10% complete.
  • For Vite Android wallet: ETH cross-chain gateway development is 10% complete.
  • Vite JS documentation: adding code samples, FAQs, monitor method.



  • v1.0 cross-chain gateway interface protocol document.
  • DEX successfully adapted to Pre-Mainnet and public beta version is now available.
  • The contract of mainstream contact is completed.

Under development:

  • Optimizing ETH gateway code to align with gateway interface protocol.
  • Design of the ViteX Operator functions was completed and smart contract functions, including fee distribution and transfer of rights, are being added.

Community Building

  • The top 50 refer-ers of the wallet referral program were announced. In addition to VITE, winners will also receive extra VCP rewards and the top 10 will get VITE T-shirts! More details on rewards can be found here.
  • On June 10th, the we added our first anniversary T-shirt to the Vite store! Check it out here.
  • The 1st community-run SBP AMA event was held on the evening of June 3rd Beijing time. Mr. Li Zhibo, CMO of Xinsheng Capital, was invited as a guest speaker. During this event, Mr. Li introduced the current operations and future goals of XS Capital SBP.
  • The 2nd AMA was held on the evening of June 10th Beijing time. The guest speaker was Decentraliser, the head of the SwissVite SBP. During this event, Decentraliser described the current work of the SBP as well as their past contributions.
  • There will be the 3rd AMA with SBP team eb4v on June 17 by the Vite 11th official WeChat group.


  • On June 8th, Vite Labs COO Richard was invited to an meetup event organized by well-know Silicon Valley based blockchain club, ABC Blockchain Community. There, he met with Prof Emin Gün Sirer, the founder of Avalanche consensus protocol.

