Vite Bi-weekly Report

Aug 1–15, 2022

Vite Labs
3 min readAug 19, 2022


Project Updates

Vite’s 7th Mainnet Upgrade: “Uranus”

The 7th Vite mainnet upgrade “Uranus” is arriving. This upgrade is mainly for ViteX contracts. New features include:

  • ViteX Market Orders
  • Order Expiration
  • DEX Internal Transfer
  • Optimization
  • RPC API Update

Read more about this major update here.

Latest Vite App iOS Now Live

The latest Vite App iOS is live. Updates include:

  • new: testnet token viewing
  • new: testnet token signing (other than $VITE)
  • name update #0GL1
  • bug fixes

Try it out now at and let us know what you think.

Vite Solidity++ For VS Code Extension

Vite Labs Chief Product Officer Blackey Hou shared the latest preview version of the Solidity++ for VS Code extension in the screenshot above. Try it out and let us know what you think.

Official Extension Wallet Sneak Peek

Blackey also gave us a sneak peek of one of the latest projects at Vite Labs, an official extension wallet. Check out the screenshot above and share your feedback with us.

Official Nodes Updated: go-vite v2.11.3-rc2

Attention all Dapp Operators, we recently updated all our official nodes to the latest client go-vite v2.11.3-rc2. Check out the tweet below for more details.

Key Activities

ViteX $500 Giveaway

Earlier this month, we hosted a giveaway for some top traders on our DEX, ViteX, and the responses were overwhelming. Congrats to all the winners below!

Community and Ecosystem Contributions and Shoutouts

VivaTogether Dapp Now Live: ViteTogether

We want to shout out to Viva for bringing life to ViteTogether. As shared in their Medium Article here, ViteTogether is a series of protocols for the Vite blockchain that allow groups of users to optimize their voting rewards collectively. In essence, VITE holders can combine their deposits in the prize pools to earn a chance to win attractive rewards for participating in Vite’s chain consensus mechanism. Well done!

VITE & VX Data

Full Nodes Data

Snapshot Block Producer Data



Vite Labs

Business Development and Communications Manager at Vite.