Vending Machines NFT Q2 April Updates: Free Airdrop of the Next VM Comics Issue & My Thoughts About the Avalanche/VM Community

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10 min readApr 19, 2022

Vending Machine NFT holders will receive a free airdrop of the next NFT within a few days — VM Comics Issue #2 is about to arrive! This article will focus on these recent developments and other news — especially, a few teasers on the upcoming $VMN coin and for what is in store for VM NFT holders.

Additionally, I will make some comments on some of the recent discussions going on within the VM Community.

(Last Update: 19 April 2022)

If you are new to the Vending Machines NFT projects, you can learn about the project on their website and I would also recommend reading an earlier article to get up to speed on what VM NFT is all about.

The VM Gorilla — decked in VM Hat drip — spends its life running and collecting tokens in order to spend them on consumables from the vending machine — an analog of the human condition

Avalanche Network has had some really great developments in April. Things are just heating up. My prediction is that the next major bull run will launch Avax past its old all time high — right now the price is almost half of that, so to say the least, Avax seems like a great token to accumulate in 2022. When Avax reaches just half of Ethereum’s market cap then it would have a price at around $500, or over x5 from today’s price — carrying all in-game tokens with it including one I’m quite amped about today — the upcoming $VMN Token for use within the VM Metaverse.

But before that, I want to show what I’m most excited about this week with VM Projects — the new comic book issue!

VM Comics Issue #2 Release is Imminent!

VM Comics Issue #2 is set to release within days as of this writing (19 April 2022). The first issue set the tone as a super cool perspective on Web 3 development and a kind of allegory on the role of the developer in the growth of the Internet and ultimately the human being as we navigate our increasingly complex society.

The first issue was airdropped to all VM NFT holders, although each VM NFT was just 1 part of the issue to be airdropped. In fact, three different NFTs were randomly airdropped containing separate pages of the total. To read the whole issue, one would have to check out the secondary market to read the other issues, incentivizing trading and collecting which I thought was really neat and a small throwback to actually trading comic books with friends. I also posted the full issue in my previous article.

And although the comics are super cool and a great addition to the lore of the Avalanche Network, I’m really looking forward to more news about the $VMN Tokenomics!

A Sneak Preview Into the Upcoming $VMN Coin Tokenomics, Staking, and Farming

Consider this “early access”

After an eventful start of the year packed with free airdrops and artistic and website development (such as the Avax-Eth bridge hosted on the main VM site), the plan for the Quarter 2 roadmap is now well underway. The team is projected to have development of $VMN coin, staking, and farming, although the implementation is still many months away.

VM Projects will eventually utilize its own exchangeable token for use in the VM metaverse, especially including VM NFT, VM Gorillas, and the Lands that are currently being developed.

This is just a teaser for now so stay tuned in the upcoming weeks and months for more info by following this medium or keeping tabs on the Discord channel. Personally, I just have so many cool ideas for what we could stock inside the vending machine and how it could be applied to earn cryptocurrency! It’s a fun idea and I can’t wait to see how it develops.

VM Metaverse Land Updates

Check out this video for a tease at VM land development

A few stills from the clip

There’s still a lot of details I want to know, but I have some rough information that I can share today on what we can expect in future updates, especially the most relevant questions that the community still has about the project which will have more answers soon.

VM Metaverse World

  • We will know more about the World Map layout and size, as well as the specific land size and how it can be modified
  • Buying and selling lands will be possible
  • The number of people that can be on one land is being developed. We know that a player will be able to invite other people to his or her land. It is speculative on exactly what will happen on this land, but it is being imagined with creative building and player interaction in mind, meaning that the player can basically develop the land as he or she sees fit.
  • It is currently unknown if the landlord charge any taxes or fees for others accessing their land.

Building System

Keep tabs on the VM channels for more information on how this works as the development team is working on it. We do know that players will be able to build a game on their own land. The player will have access to tools for customizable building. Additionally, the player can create his or her own objects for use or placement on the land.

I would like to quote one of the artistic brains behind the VM Comics, Chrisceliumology

Tbh the way we are “vending” nfts each month that you can sell should be good enough to get your roi, but if not, we still have the secondary marketplace royalties. They may not seem like much but we get a percentage from almost all of the vended collections, which will add up over time, especially once our metaverse plans are implemented and the holders are buying and selling items like couches and whatnot.

Chris is active in building the VM Community and he is a great artistic talent to have on the team. Go check out his artwork on Instagram.

VM Community is the Avalanche Community

Avalanche hosts the best NFT projects in the world with the best community

Aza founded the whole VM ecosystem, including VM Tycoons. He hired the talented Miner Joe developers and promoted Cosmosonblocks from a mod to vice president of VM Projects and put him in charge of VMT. With all thanks to the VM community and Avax maxies, it was a very successful launch, with all 10,000 VM Tycoons minting out in around 12 hours or so. These people pushed the project as they believed in the overall VM Vision.

Aza promoted VM Tycoons through YouTube videos, paired Twitter promos as well as joint AMAs and answered questions regards VM Tycoons. Cosmos was also super active and involved and spent lots of time engaging with the community and answering questions on AMAs. The project started very well and is still doing great.

There was a lot of engagement with VM Tycoons, so much so that Cosmos saw fit to separate the projects on February 28th, about 10 days after the project launch. VM Tycoons launched their own discord, and there was an announcement in the VMNFT discord explaining and showing support to the Tycoons.

VMNFT always wished the best for VMT, Cosmos, and every VMT owner who are often also Vending Machines holders. VMT was always promoted in the Discord, and nothing was ever said or done intentionally to tarnish VMT, which is doing very well with an active community. Cosmos has been a great leader for the project.

Official Announcement from VMNFT in support of all the projects

Fast forward to now. There was some recent debates coming out of the two discords about what was going on with the projects. The way I see it is that we are basically the same community, the Avalanche community. At the end of the day, each one of us should judge what’s going on with our own heads, not forgetting logic and reason. It’s fair to share criticism, but let’s not break each other down with any hateful intentions.

So far, VM NFT has followed its roadmap and is on track. It could not have been without the support of the people engaged in Avalanche projects. As someone involved with several Avalanche NFT projects, I see similar names around on Twitter and Discord and I recognize it as some kind of radical mix of people from all different backgrounds that have somehow converged here by whatever mysterious compulsions. Regardless of how we arrived, it behooves us to work together and see past differences to help grow and build and make it in a way never before dreamed before in human existence. The world is changing but so are we, and as we change, the way we see the world changes, too.

We’ve got to blend the intrinsic self-focus and development with the extrinsic social output which ends up becoming an exchange of energy that transcends boundaries. The work we do here and the words we say ripple out through space and we affect each other in a real-time quantum entanglement. We do not exist in a vacuum and no man is an island. We can be strong and choose kindness and productivity — we collectively get back up like Rocky and keep pace with this everlasting spiral of evolution, constantly growing and periodically coming back to things we thought we once knew but seeing it again in a new light.

We are learning from past mistakes and growing. We are human, although we sometimes pretend we are cyborgs or something, but let’s be real, we are often fumbling through this seemingly chaotic existence with nothing but faith to carry us on. Somehow, things usually work out. Is it magic? Or is it just the stuff we are made of, channeling some higher creativity through the lens of humanity. We are made of star stuff apparently, so let’s be like stars — together in the network, yet whole in ourselves. And with that, the old useless negativity passes away like water under the bridge. Hello, good morning, おはよう, it’s a lovely new day. That’s all I have to say about that.

My VM NFT of the Week

A cyberpunk style with a traditionalist function — My preferred method of acquiring chips and soda.

This is my favorite VM NFT of the week. I appreciate its blend of classic vending machine traditionalism and function fused with the radical technovibe of retro-cyberpunk fashion. It looks snazzy, and it gives me chips and soda — the old-school staple of vending machines around the world.

You may not like it, but this is what a peak-form vending machine looks like. It’s a masterful blend of artistic form with efficient function. Notice the direct sell — BUY NFT NOW. This is not merely a demand of the user— this is a statement of our existence. This is what we do now — we buy NFTs. If you’re reading this, it’s practically confirmed you are buying NFTs. This is a motto of what we do. We buy NFTs. Welcome to the real world (in the metaverse).

Scavenger Hunt Results

Last week there was a scavenger hunt hosted on the VMN Discord. I found it super fun to try and be an internet sleuth and follow all the clues. I loved it. One clue on Twitter led to the Discord page and then an obscure clue on Instagram which led to me reading some even more obscure comment on an old post somewhere which led me back to Twitter and then to Discord. It was so cool to try and solve it — key word for me, try to solve it.

Try as I may, I only solved about half of the riddle. It was quite difficult and my brain juice was only at 25% capacity due to some lack of sleep. However, I commend the winners for solving it — I consider them brilliant geniuses. The first winner was “The Shadiest Slime” who chose the VM NFT as his prize! The other winners — ancestors of Sherlock Holmes himself, no doubt — picked the VM Gorilla and the VM Hats, with no one yet having solved the puzzle for the final prize! I have to admit, I had to give up after about two hours of trying to solve it as it was at an odd hour for me and I was falling asleep — but I still had a lot of fun trying.

I loved how much thought and creativity went into this. I would love to see something like this again in the future. Putting all the clues everywhere was so much fun and I really enjoyed the process.

Looking Forward

Remember, minting one VM NFT will actually give you four NFTs — all the other VM Projects NFTS will be airdropped to that wallet. (VM Hats, VM Gorillas, VM Comics, VM NFT) We can add one more to that number with VM Comics #2, bringing the current total to five NFTs for the price of one. You can also buy the individual NFTs (without the vending machine) on the main VM Projects page.

There have already been several free NFT drops and there are more on the way. VM Comics is building the lore and it exists as a creative representation of the development of the VM metaverse as part of the great Web 3.0 idea.

VM Gorillas Play To Earn game is right on the horizon. VM Hats for now is just art but they are actually planning some utility for it, so I’m curious to see what it’s going to be.

There are still hundreds of VM NFTs left available to mint. There are a few investment firms looking into buying most of the remaining supply, so consider minting one now if you’re interested in having access to the free NFT drops, rewards, and more cool stuff on the horizon.

Take care and good luck.




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Tempering the technological tenor with the harmonies of global enantiodromia and the fuzz pedals of art, music, cryptocurrency, and next level eudemonia