VM NFT Buys Land on The SandBox Game. Imminent 4th Airdrop for Holders — The VM NFT Comic Book!

Published in
7 min readMar 11, 2022
Vending Machines NFT is now on the final stage of its Q1 2022 roadmap. There are still a few VM’s left to mint!

This article will highlight the unique metaverse development going on with the Vending Machines NFT (VMNFT) project and how holders will be rewarded.

It also gives an idea of how VMNFT plans to utilize “Land” NFT to provide benefits to not only Avalanche Blockchain, but also to users on The Sandbox Game.

The article will hint at my dreams of supplying goodies in the Snoop Dogg Snoopverse.

Additionally, I am excited to announce that the 4th airdrop for VM NFT holders — the comic book — is almost ready!

OMG! THE METAVERSE!!!! (teaser clip from the VM NFT Comic Book)

Avalanche Metaverse is nearing the later stages of its incubation. The life inside the eggshell will soon awaken. Innovative artists are co-creating global communities the likes of which we have never before seen in history. The collective hivemind is buzzing with fresh ideas. The Avax community is giving birth to an unprecedented, rhizomatic, expansive digital creation as part of the great Web 3.0 idea that we dream, discover, and invent together. Vending Machines NFT will play an important supply-dropping role in this space in ways that are currently being brainstormed and developed, and one of the most promising — and lucrative — aspects of this development is the foundation of placing vending machine NFTs by interacting with digital real estate tokens on the blockchain — The “Land” NFT.

Just like how a vending machine in real life may set up its operation inside a shopping mall, VMNFT will park the vending machine within the digital real estate spaces, allowing consumer interaction with crypto goodies. It’s a new frontier for how people will make online transactions.

Our metaverse is continuously re-conceived in a collaborative fusion of technological dreams and artistic freedom. Cryptocurrency is powered by the cybernetic man-machine relationships that extend out as part of ourselves. The Internet user of 2022 is a cyborg with access to the world’s information at one’s fingertips. But proper use requires some degree of knowledge, focus, and willpower among the sea of noisy data. Let’s dig deeper and we can envision how Vending Machines NFT is an innovative and integral part of the Avax community, and beyond.

The Metaversal Multiverse: VM NFT Buys Land on The Sandbox Game for 5 ETH

Check out this great project on Ethereum https://www.sandbox.game/en/

Although the Sandbox Game is not on the Avalanche blockchain, most of us also hold Ethereum and it’s logical or even obvious that the Avax metaverse would have accessible bridges to other chains.

Metamask is an Ethereum wallet, after all, and many of us bridged over our Eth to get our first Avax tokens.

In fact, The Vending Machine NFT main site hosts a convenient ETH-AVAX bridge for you! Isn’t it wonderful? Check it out here: https://www.vendingmachinesnft.io/#mint

By the way, if you’re just starting out, you’ll also need to add the Avalanche Network to your Metamask Wallet, but it’s very simple and fast to set up.

The VM NFT Land is close to Snoop Dogg’s area. You can check out the Sandbox map here and you may perceive how digital real estate is a potential advertising platform if many adjacent spaces are purchased and then utilized together to display a logo. On the map you can see the various square-shaped land plots displaying an NFT or logo, representing the owner of the space. It is seen visibly on the map and it contributes to a sense of shared identity among the users, or in other cases representing brand identity or one’s belonging in particular NFT communities which are all utterly interconnected.

The Sandbox Game is a pioneering interactive space that uses its own custom token for in-game transactions. I won’t go too much into detail here, but I recommend you check out the project as it is a game-changer for online gaming and interactive digital communities.

Notably, some famous celebrities have been getting involved such as deadmau5 and Snoop Dogg, and it’s obvious that people will buy an in-game avatar or NFT that allows them to chat or hang out with a celebrity they love (think of how BAYC became even more popular because of celebrities purchasing the NFT). VM NFT has big plans for integrating vending machines in these spaces in order to supply cool stuff to the users. The focus at the moment is the Snoop Dogg Snoopverse.

Some of the major names getting involved in the Sandbox game. Hopefully this is a wake up call for any normies still calling crypto a fad. It’s like my mom calling Pokémon a fad in 1999.

Snoop Dogg’s Snoopverse and my Dreams of VM NFT Providing Special Supplies to the Doggies

Snoop Dogg’s own metaverse, labeled the Snoopverse, contains a (sold out!) 10,000 NFT or “Doggie” collection, each representing a different avatar of the legendary Snoop Dogg. Although this is still in the brainstorming stages, VM NFT has big ideas for how to to integrate the VM NFTs onto its land in order to supply the doggies, and other Sandbox players, with some delicious benefits that will reward all VM NFT holders.

Imagine having some kind of digital Vending Machine that somehow supplies the 10,000 Doggies with their Rastafarian sacrament, albeit digitally. I personally think people would pay good money to jump at the chance to have a digital session with Snoop himself, and especially more so if there’s a friendly vending machine dispensary set up in the neighborhood. There may be some degree of role-play involved here — people are controlling digital avatars in a glorified, interactive 3D chat room — but it’s obvious that there is a market for this, and putting a vending machine in this space is not only a creative business idea but I also think it’s brilliant! This is another one of my dreams for VM NFT, although it’s not my only aspiration for the project.

Snoop’s throne and his favorite plant. What kind of digital supplies could be in those VMs?


To clarify, VM NFT is not buying 1x1 land for each VM in the Sandbox. Sandbox is a project on its own, and anyone can buy land from them directly.

The VM NFT community owns a land in Sandbox close to Snoop Dogg that they purchased for 5 ETH.

Since 30% of mint sales are allocated to build metaverse, the team is using those funds to build their own “sandbox” type of metaverse on Avalanche.

Each VMNFT token holder will get an NFT with coordinates that references a 1x1 plot of land that matches however many VMNFT they have. For example, holding three VMNFT tokens grants three lands. Holding fifty tokens allows for fifty lands.

What is the purpose of this land?

This is where things get unique and interesting. The VM team is developing a tool that will allow one to build things on the land, from games to amusement parks and more. You, the VMNFT holder, are the owner of the land and can build almost whatever you wish.

VMNFT is not just a PFP, not just a P2E, and not just art.

VM NFT is establishing a community and doing projects together. To stay true to those community-oriented goals, the team has already brought three projects: VM Gorillas, VM Hats, and VM Tycoons.

All of these projects have benefits around them already built or currently building.

Comic Book

The VM NFT team is about to drop their first Comic book exclusively on Avalanche. More updates are coming on this very soon, so make sure you follow this Medium page and also keep an eye on the VMNFT Discord Announcements channel.

All of these collections (excluding VMT) have secondary market royalties being shared with holders, further signifying that this is not just one simple NFT Project — this is a cooperative space that supports and builds each other up because although we get so heavy-minded about technology and Web 3.0 and futuristic dreams, the cornerstone is always the PEOPLE, a.k.a. YOU!

How neat! The Vending Machine is a PORTAL TO THE METAVERSE. He is so brave! I also want to access this portal to experience the fulfilment of my greatest wishes! (clip from the VM NFT Comic Book)

Once certain things are announced, all this information will be crystalized and become very clear and we will share more info about how it’s all going to work. We are almost there, and I hope this article clears up some questions for now and gets you at least a little bit excited for all this cool stuff being developed!

If you’ve made it this far, you have to join the Twitter and Discord and the kind people there will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Also, if you haven’t yet, be sure to mint at least one VM NFT — the sooner you do, the more possible airdrops and rewards will be available to you. There are still a few hundred tokens left available — you could get a rare, who knows? See you soon!



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Tempering the technological tenor with the harmonies of global enantiodromia and the fuzz pedals of art, music, cryptocurrency, and next level eudemonia