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vocES en Español
La voz escrita de tu idioma
Note from the editor

La voz escrita de tu idioma

Go to the profile of Gaby Rogut
Gaby Rogut
Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me! https://ko-fi.com/gabyrogut/commissions
Go to the profile of Emmanuel Prado
Emmanuel Prado
Late-modern freelance writer living in Costa Rica. Political Scientist. Circumscribed in humanistic ideas. 1st Place Rodrigo Facio Essay Contest 2017 — UCR.
Go to the profile of GB Cooks
GB Cooks
A gal who tries to manage her demons by learning how to cook and write. AKA https://gbrogut.com/ Visit my tree https://linktr.ee/GbRogut
Go to the profile of Facundo Barreto
Facundo Barreto
28 años y contando. Ante todo, un buen mate y algún libro. Bioingeniero.
Go to the profile of Alejandro Lemuz
Alejandro Lemuz
Escribo y comparto textos de autores del siglo pasado todos los días.
Go to the profile of Gladys Carmina
Gladys Carmina
Get creative: gladyscarmina.substack.com 🌸Fibre Artist, writer and arroz de todos los moles🩷
Go to the profile of Fernanda Rio
Fernanda Rio
Espectadora de cine, a veces escribo.
Go to the profile of Aranza Sánchez Romero
Aranza Sánchez Romero
Content Editorial Manager in an cool agency 👩🏻‍💻 / Mexican Philosopher 🇲🇽 / Crazy about Creator Economy 📱
Go to the profile of David B. Clear
David B. Clear
Cartoonist, science fan, PhD, eukaryote. Doesn't eat cats, dogs, nor other animals. 1,000x Bottom Writer. davidbclear.com
Go to the profile of Alicia C. R
Alicia C. R
Proud mother, spiritual being, seeking peace of mind, and emotional freedom through writing.
Go to the profile of Cristina Rojas
Cristina Rojas
Certified Yoga Teacher. Talks about: yoga, mental health, business and science. Join my substack: https://mindfulmessbycristinarojas.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Ale Prada Alfaro
Go to the profile of Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez
Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez
Industrial Designer & Communication Coach. Dyslexia, History, & Trivia Writer. Father/Pet Lover — Top 1000 Writer, also on #Books, #Movies, #Reading & #Writing
Go to the profile of Lindes Burnao
Lindes Burnao
Como todos, tengo 2 caras pero, a diferencia del resto, no intento ocultar ninguna de las 2. Pregunta por Murnau den Linden si no encuentras a Lindes Burnao.
Go to the profile of Irina Carrillo
Irina Carrillo
Architect. Designer. Musician.
Go to the profile of O Garcia
O Garcia
A journalist on a similar mission as the Don Quixote. IG — @ogarciajournalism | Founder www.besiargao.com
Go to the profile of Benjamin Carobisoni
Benjamin Carobisoni
Estudiante de Filosofía. Escribo artículos sobre cosas del día a día en nuestra sociedad.
Go to the profile of Brunilda Vazquez
Brunilda Vazquez
Psychiatrist in Puerto Rico
Go to the profile of Eliot Kersgaard
Go to the profile of MAED
From a beautiful country, looking the way into this life. Thanks for reading me
Go to the profile of Omy
Puerto Rican writer. 🇵🇷 🌈 🍉 Owner of Ilusiones, a publication for Caribbean/Latinx writers. ilusionespub@gmail.com / Support me: https://ko-fi.com/omylaza
Go to the profile of Pivs
Viajero, lector y cinéfilo. Fotografía gloriosa y néctar de escritos. Sin apuro es mejor.
Go to the profile of James Goydos, MD
James Goydos, MD
Dr. James Goydos — Professor, Surgeon, Clinical Trial Lead. Helping patients see that melanoma isn’t a death sentence. https://jamesgoydos.com
Go to the profile of Percy Bustes
Percy Bustes
Escribir es mi catarsis
Go to the profile of SoyEnriqueH
Padre de familia, creador y en constante movimiento — Escribo sobre mejora continua, creatividad, naturaleza y crecimiento humano
Go to the profile of Fran
Comparto cosas en Internet
Go to the profile of Kali Om Kali
Go to the profile of Maki32_
Leo mucho y olvido rápido.
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Sandoval Almazán
Rodrigo Sandoval Almazán
Amante de la lectura y la escritura. #Lover of #Reading and #Writing.
Go to the profile of Hephaistos
Go to the profile of Eduardo Vascones Luque
Eduardo Vascones Luque
Encontré en la escritura la mejor de las terapias…
Go to the profile of Gabriel Jaime
Gabriel Jaime
Life happens when you are HERE and NOW. Let’s be aware of miracles together, let’s bright together. “The forgotten wonder of being ALIVE”.
Go to the profile of Francisco Martos
Go to the profile of Gabriel Arriarán
Gabriel Arriarán
Escritor, periodista, antropólogo, no necesariamente en este orden. Tengo problemas con la autoridad.
Go to the profile of Juan José González
Juan José González
Doctor en Derecho, Abogado, Analista en Ciberseguridad y Ciberinteligencia -- Ph.D. Law | LL.M | Also posting #beautiful #art #cool content. DM credit-removal
Go to the profile of Jams Benmurri
Jams Benmurri
𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊 ┃ 𝙼ú𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚘
Go to the profile of Mickey Markoff
Mickey Markoff
Mickey Markoff — Air & Sea Show executive producer, S. Florida | MDM Group | https://bit.ly/3eqtumk https://www.instagram.com/mickeymarkoff
Go to the profile of Raúl Güereque
Raúl Güereque
I write about Emotional Intelligence, Parenting, and in Español. Oh and I make a mean sandwich.
Go to the profile of Zoryham
Go to the profile of Luis Loret de Mola
Luis Loret de Mola
Tell your story
Go to the profile of Marco A. Zermeño
Marco A. Zermeño
Mi plan es morir joven, lo más tarde que se pueda. Y tú, ¿qué quieres que diga tu lápida?
Go to the profile of Luisdadeleon
English: I write about movies, comic books, literature, and screenwriting. Español: Escribo sobre cine, comics, libros o guiones. https://bit.ly/3loeZ4S
Go to the profile of Jose Manuel Miana
Jose Manuel Miana
I write a lot about cars.
Go to the profile of Carlos Jeronimo
Carlos Jeronimo
FROM a Homeless Mess to BIG SUCCESS. (carlosjeronimo.substack.com) A homeless activist, lover of lost souls. Find me at https://carlosjeronimo.com
Go to the profile of 𝕯𝖎𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖔 実
𝕯𝖎𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖔 実
Porquería del Universo. Github Profile => http://github.com/PudreteDiablo
Go to the profile of Joel Pérez Irizarry
Joel Pérez Irizarry
Creador de imágenes en movimiento. Co-fundador de Young Collective (www.youngcollective.tv)
Go to the profile of Miranda More
Miranda More
Passionate girl
Go to the profile of cerohd
★ Creado en 2013, este es el blog del Imaginauta, conocido bajo un anterior avatar como Hijo de la máquina★
Go to the profile of Israel Garcia
Israel Garcia
Arquitecto, fotógrafo, escritor de guiones de cortometraje, cuentos y obras de teatro. Para subsistir, empleado en una empresa de Telecomunicaciones.
Go to the profile of Bruno Méndez
Bruno Méndez
CEO Sum, President Account Based Marketing Association. Speaker, Evangelist and Professor. Find me at www.b2bgrowth.es/blog www.sum.es
Go to the profile of Iván Eiletz
Iván Eiletz
Licenciado en Turismo. Profesional Aerocomercial.
Go to the profile of Sira Mas
Sira Mas
Writer, Coach | Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, POF, Ladders
Go to the profile of Samuel Cracia
Samuel Cracia
Mexican Writer | Poet | I won’t be a prophet | https://linktr.ee/samuelcracia
Go to the profile of Ronaldo Williams
Ronaldo Williams
Go to the profile of Miguel Adrover
Miguel Adrover
SP & EN | poetry | society | teaching | science | tech https://about.me/oniricvonnegut
Go to the profile of Ana Maria Constain Rueda
Go to the profile of María Cristina Aponte
María Cristina Aponte
Mother, wife, accountant, choir singer, baseball fan, poet, writer. Highly sensitive introvert. cristina_aponte@yahoo.com
Go to the profile of Dr Jeff Livingston
Dr Jeff Livingston
Obgyn, Husband, Father, & Entrepreneur. Writing about Women’s Health, Parenting, and Self-improvement. CEO of MacArthurmc.com & founder of Medika.life
Go to the profile of Gabriel Pinto
Gabriel Pinto
Un día partiré en una barca de luz remolcada por mariposas de alas radiantes surcando la eternidad y el sol será un río que me llevará de regreso al infinito.
Go to the profile of Raziel Tovar
Raziel Tovar
Psicología contemplativa | Guía de meditación y mindfulness en razieltovar.com
Go to the profile of Jordi Guarinos
Jordi Guarinos
A veces me apetece escribir y compartir lo que pienso y lo que siento. Escribir simplemente.
Go to the profile of Patricio Nuñez Fernandez
Go to the profile of Federico Insegna
Federico Insegna
¿Se cumplirá el sueño alguna vez? Emprendedor e intentador incansable. Me podés encontrar en mi web: SistemaInteligentedeMarketing.com un trabajo en progreso..
Go to the profile of Leurjim
Web Developer
Go to the profile of Mateo Caballero.T
Mateo Caballero.T
Disfruto de escribir historias de ficcion, me gusta dejarme llevar por mi imaginación
Go to the profile of Nicol Valentina
Nicol Valentina
An outlander who loves to embrace life itself — the good, the bad, all what life has to offer. | RA Warrior | Traveler | Lover | Family | Personal Growth |
Go to the profile of Las siete y más
Las siete y más
ESP/ ENG | Art for every taste | "La cultura te dice que te apures, mientras que el arte te dice que tomes tu tiempo. Siempre escucha al arte." -Junot Díaz
Go to the profile of Paloma Rivero
Paloma Rivero
Executive&Career Coach. Acompaño a profesionales a gestionar momentos de inflexión en sus carreras. A pesar del miedo.
Go to the profile of Charlie The Charming
Charlie The Charming
Crecimiento personal, superación de dificultades, reflexiones emocionales y profesionales. Creando historias de mi vida para las vidas de otros. #Growth
Go to the profile of Marco Aponte-Moreno
Marco Aponte-Moreno
Professor @ University of Southern California
Go to the profile of Guille López
Guille López
La literatura como motor de la existencia. Viajo, luego escribo. Orientalista sin ánimo de adoctrinar. En parón estacional por pandemia mundial.
Go to the profile of Write the dust
Write the dust
Unlock your potential and find inspiration in every note. Personal development articles harmonized with transformative songs.
Go to the profile of L.D. Burnett
L.D. Burnett
Writer and historian from / in California’s Great Central Valley. Book, “Western Civilization: The History of an American Idea,” under contract w/ UNC Press.
Go to the profile of Marco Patiño
Go to the profile of Boz Del Mundo
Boz Del Mundo
Always on an adventure! Co-Founder of WooHooRides.com where I help people find the perfect party vehicle for any occasion. Speak:🇪🇸🇧🇷🇫🇷🇨🇳🇮🇹🇷🇺
Go to the profile of Sandra Nicole
Sandra Nicole
Dual-Trained Career Counselor and Mental Health Therapist. I write about my own life experiences in the hopes of helping others lead more fulfilling lives.
Go to the profile of Marina Zapperi
Go to the profile of Desiree | Coach de Network Marketing + Ventas
Desiree | Coach de Network Marketing + Ventas
Triplica tus Ventas y Escala tu Negocio de Network Marketing a traves de las Redes Sociales.
Go to the profile of SPatel
Web developer, engineering student. I am here to learn and share my thoughts.
Go to the profile of Narda Maren
Narda Maren
Dominican woman. A believer in simple things, a lover of writing and art in general.
Go to the profile of Pablo Salido
Pablo Salido
Tu nuevo acuario favorito.
Go to the profile of Santiago Ferrer
Santiago Ferrer
I like to investigate and write about the topics I’m interested in the moment. Futuristic. NFT. Memes. Tech. Design. Comedy. Business. Economics. Science.
Go to the profile of Chris Hayduk
Chris Hayduk
I write about data science, math, philosophy, languages, self-improvement, and whatever else interests me at the moment!
Go to the profile of Mariana Alvarez Aceves
Mariana Alvarez Aceves
Nutrióloga por profesión, educadora por vocación y lectora de corazón.
Go to the profile of Sharing Randomly
Sharing Randomly
Just a normal woman with lots to share. I write about art, mental health, entrepreneurship, and lots more. Support me: https://ko-fi.com/sharingrandomly
Go to the profile of Anselmo Guarneros
Anselmo Guarneros
I write about philosophy, marketing, and art. Director of Marketing and Communications for the Diocese of Laredo.
Go to the profile of Victor Camon
Victor Camon
Creative, Global Thinker & Brand Strategist — Amazon Best Seller with hola Creatividad
Go to the profile of Jesus Jordan Parra
Jesus Jordan Parra
Writer of essays, poetry, stories. Studious of the ancestral Traditions. I am also a student of the etymologies of words.
Go to the profile of Julián González
Julián González
Diseñador de juegos de mesa, comunicador social y educador. Puede descargar gratis Todo está tan raro en el siguiente link: https://bit.ly/3BiGjMB
Go to the profile of Christian Alberto Ledesma
Christian Alberto Ledesma
I’m the old man in the coffee shop playing with words. High School Principal/Future astronaut. Published in “What We Feed Ourselves” and RunnersWorld.com.
Go to the profile of Libre Pensadores
Libre Pensadores
Revista de Humanidades
Go to the profile of Chiara Bottino
Chiara Bottino
Trying to be a writer, an artist and a decent human being. Texts in English and Spanish. 📍Argentina.
Go to the profile of Peter Wright Storytelling
Peter Wright Storytelling
Latin writer who loves to write about love in terms of mandrakes, helicopters, and rugs. Peter Wright Storytelling is my project in English and Spanish.
Go to the profile of Patricia Pixie❤
Patricia Pixie❤
Billingual writer/music lover/tarot reader/Interested in the mysteries of the human mind misspatypixie@outlook.com
Go to the profile of Relatoteca
En ocasiones escribo relatos
Go to the profile of Brenda Acevedo
Brenda Acevedo
Finding myself one story at a time. Catch me writing, reading, or singing. A woman in tuned with her emotions and touching lives.
Go to the profile of Roosevelt Jackson Altez
Roosevelt Jackson Altez
I am a writer, a blogger, a short stories teller. I worked on several on line news papers, like Jax Hispano, from Jacksonville, Fl. USA. I am author of a novel
Go to the profile of Cecilia Padilla
Cecilia Padilla
Amateur poetry juggler. Necesito dos idiomas para expresarme.
Go to the profile of Una millennial tardía
Una millennial tardía
Me llamo Zoe y escribo historias. My name is Zoe, and I’m a storyteller.
Go to the profile of Ángel Molina Laguna
Ángel Molina Laguna
Data Science & Data Analytics with KNIME
Go to the profile of Clark Kent
Clark Kent
1985. Quito/ 2002. Madrid/ 2021. Laia/ Escribo sin buscar algún propósito, reduciéndolo a un acto sencillo de reflexión con uno mismo.
Go to the profile of Klau Gtz
Klau Gtz
💚 Marketing & Random Blogge® • Pop art style, minimal philosophy and tropical swing🌴 • Venturing @elplacerdelsaber • Ambassador @poderosaschicas 🇲🇽
Go to the profile of Miguel G. Barea
Miguel G. Barea
Profe de lenguas, aficionado a sus literaturas.
Go to the profile of Tessa Char
Tessa Char
(W)righting the wrongs in the world in justice, feminism, dating, self-help, travel, mental health, and well-life. https://linktr.ee/tessachar
Go to the profile of Andrew Merz
Andrew Merz
Overthinking storyteller.
Go to the profile of Ximena Paz Paredes
Ximena Paz Paredes
Creo cosas compulsivamente. Transhumanx disfuncional.
Go to the profile of 10xR
Go to the profile of Andrés Pozzi
Andrés Pozzi
a fria natureza da palavra escrita
Go to the profile of Roger Mesén-Delgado
Roger Mesén-Delgado
I like data, spatial analysis, philo, hike, the animals, GIS and Research. Currently working in Smartfarming for FreshDelMonte. Finishing my Msc in Geography.
Go to the profile of Lisu Mei
Lisu Mei
Poetry for the heart and soul to live the sun and the fun, and survive the dark and the cold
Go to the profile of Jorge Alba Posse
Jorge Alba Posse
Viviendo y aprendiendo…
Go to the profile of Cristhian Beltran
Cristhian Beltran
En busca del alivio a través de los intrincados caminos de la escritura cebeltranb21@gmail.com / ig @beltranb21
Go to the profile of Emilia Blanco
Go to the profile of Benmurri
Go to the profile of Braulio Franco G
Braulio Franco G
Estoy hecho de palabras. Y silencio.
Go to the profile of Sreelakshmi
Roses or lilies?
Go to the profile of MediaWeb
Buscamos especializarnos cada día más en sites y alojamiento wordpress, adquiriendo y sobre todo compartiendo conocimiento sobre el uso de esta plataforma.
Go to the profile of Juanda Ramírez
Juanda Ramírez
Social Engineer, Ed-tech lover & Social Entrepreneur. Fellow @teachforall. Member of @ShapersMedellin a @wef Initiative. Ambassador of One Young World
Go to the profile of Luis Miguel Real | Psicólogo
Luis Miguel Real | Psicólogo
Psicólogo especialista en Adicciones. Hablo sobre salud mental y lo que surja. Suscríbete a mi newsletter en https://www.luismiguelreal.es/
Go to the profile of Lucero Emperatriz
Lucero Emperatriz
Data lover and geek 🕵| Researcher and editor | Industrial Engineer focused on the continuous improvement of Business, Efficiency and Productivity 🚀
Go to the profile of Ewa Patoka
Ewa Patoka
Make Money Online Tips. Cryptocurrency. Weight Loss & Diet Tips. Lifestyle. Other Good Stuff! 🤩
Go to the profile of kumori
Sometimes, poetry knocks…
Go to the profile of Marielaa
Hi, I´m Mariela That´s it
Go to the profile of Moogote
Go to the profile of Carmen in the Garden
Carmen in the Garden
Antropóloga, viajera y naturalmente curiosa. Me tomo la vida con humor y optimismo. Mis posts en inglés en @carmenballesteros. Demos algo de vidilla a Medium!
Go to the profile of Andrés Burguete de la Torre
Go to the profile of Francisco Belmar Orrego
Francisco Belmar Orrego
Escribo acerca de las costumbres, sobre todo de las buenas. plumigrafo.org | plumigrafo.substack.com
Go to the profile of Vanessa Aguillón
Vanessa Aguillón
《Todo es justo en el amor y la guerra, pero algunas batallas no dejan vencedores, solo un rastro de corazones rotos...》
Go to the profile of Pablo Pereyra
Pablo Pereyra
Finding inspiration in movement. Searching for identity.
Go to the profile of Giuseppe Bartoli
Giuseppe Bartoli
American-Italian-Peruvian poet, ghostwriter, copywriter, politician, and journalist. Open for freelance jobs. Published 7 books; 7 more on the way.
Go to the profile of Cristina S
Cristina S
Wife | Mom2 | Freelancer Content Creator
Go to the profile of Jonathan Ortigosa
Jonathan Ortigosa
“Hay que escribir mucha mierda hasta tener algo que realmente merezca la pena leer” y éste es el baúl donde la guardo..
Go to the profile of Osedmoca
Abogado, escritor de tiempo parcial, aspirante a novelista sin publicaciones reconocidas con algunas desconocidas, soñador de historias en universos lejanas
Go to the profile of Yulisa Rozo
Yulisa Rozo
Ganadora del XXI Concurso Nacional de Poesía Eduardo Carranza: I puesto en la categoría Local. Sopó - Colombia 2023 con mi poema: “Solo una máscara”. 🖤
Go to the profile of MisFitButFit
Go to the profile of Sebastián Velásquez
Sebastián Velásquez
Fotógrafo, escritor, e ilustrador. Intentando cambiar el mundo llenándolo de amor…♥
Go to the profile of Miguel C.
Miguel C.
¿Qué era lo que antes permanecía en la oscuridad?
Go to the profile of Un mundo entre letras
Un mundo entre letras
Blog en español "Explorando mundos y emociones a través de las letras. 📚✨Reseñas, reflexiones, lectura y anime.
Go to the profile of Andres M. P. R.
Andres M. P. R.
Apasionado del desarrollo de software, futuro escritor y amante de la música
Go to the profile of El Chacal Estepario
El Chacal Estepario
No me alcanzó para El Lobo Estepario
Go to the profile of Paula Granieri
Paula Granieri
(1989) Argentine and Italian. Degree in Political Science and Master in International Relations. Currently in Buenos Aires after some years in Naples. NERD.
Go to the profile of María Dolores Pérez
María Dolores Pérez
Food Scientist lover of letters | Creative with rational doses | Positive for survival | Laughter is my mother tongue|Linkedin.com/in/mariadoloresperezcaballero
Go to the profile of Andrés H.
Andrés H.
Un blog de historias cortas.
Go to the profile of Isabel María González Granda
Isabel María González Granda
Nada original: un diario personal, un bloc de notas, una manera de ordenar ideas y rescatar recuerdos que nos ayuden a entender la historia de nuestra vida.
Go to the profile of Javier Domínguez Palomares
Javier Domínguez Palomares
Estudiante de ADE y Derecho bilingüe, comparto mis reflexiones sobre la vida, la humanidad, y el crecimiento sostenible.
Go to the profile of EmmanuelxG
Estudio cine, a veces escribo | MX
Go to the profile of marielyqueliz
Amor Fati – Memento Mori & Self-knowledge for a life with purpose
Go to the profile of Varsanz
Writing Life. Sharing the Path of Transformation. Mind of a Psychologist, Heart of a Writer, Dancing Soul, Reading Spirit.
Go to the profile of Sam Letterwood
Sam Letterwood
Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner
Go to the profile of Kari Nieves
Kari Nieves
Freelance English/Spanish digital content creator, blogger, passionate about New York, storyteller, photographer, systems engineer, entrepreneur. Colombian 🇨🇴
Go to the profile of Rosa CP
Rosa CP
Freelance Writer at Writers.work | Copywriter | Health & Wellness | Foodie Writer | Travel & Culture
Go to the profile of Geovanni May
Geovanni May
Me encanta leer lo que otras personas opinan, pero, sobre todo, me encanta escribir mis propias ideas. Escribo ensayos cortos y algo de ciencia ficción ✏️🗒
Go to the profile of Christopher Lopez
Christopher Lopez
Autor de desarrollo personal y espiritualidad. Director de proyectos, Consultor de negocios, mentor y coach de vida https://chrislogar.net
Go to the profile of Jack Shinagawa
Jack Shinagawa
Canalla con preguntas frente a la inmensidad de un abismo.
Go to the profile of Esther Claravalls
Go to the profile of Noee
Todo mi ingenio está puesto en mi prosa y en sus intentos fallidos por rimar bien.
Go to the profile of Martin Savi
Martin Savi
Artista incansable, de curiosidad interminable, conocedor de la biología y otras naturalezas perdidas y no tanto…si me lees, tu reflejo sera la profundidad.
Go to the profile of Eduardo Rivera
Eduardo Rivera
═ Apenas más innovador que reaccionario. La inercia es mi némesis. ═ https://eduardoriveraeditor.wordpress.com/
Go to the profile of BY GIRL BOSS
Sharing artificial intelligence tips 🤖 and tricks to make your life simpler ⌚ Building a big tech brain 🧠 But most important of all: learning a lot 🧠
Go to the profile of Gina Lacayo
Gina Lacayo
Creative Director, weaving art, UX/UI design, and words. Reflecting about life's nuances, my inner world, and the cosmic wonders.
Go to the profile of Pablo Lucero
Pablo Lucero
Pensador por gusto.
Go to the profile of GB Rogut en Español
GB Rogut en Español
Hola, soy GB Rogut. Aquí encontrarás mis artículos en Español. For the English version go to https://gbrogut.com/
Go to the profile of Jaime Sobrados
Jaime Sobrados
I am an avid reader and life experiencer. I hope you enjoy my thoughts on: 🟥 Society Analysis 🟨 Soft Skills 🟩 Sports and Arts
Go to the profile of Myriam Barnés
Myriam Barnés
Mathematician, writer and designer. | Stories rule the world. ✨
Go to the profile of Lidia López Sánchez
Lidia López Sánchez
¿Me ayudas a crear una comunidad de estudiantes extraordinarios?
Go to the profile of Antonio Mz
Antonio Mz
Escritor Apasionado
Go to the profile of Francisco Infanzón
Francisco Infanzón
Siempre nos quedará escribir
Go to the profile of Amairani Martínez
Amairani Martínez
La vida me inspira a escribir. Comparto poesía y cuentos cortos :)
Go to the profile of Pau
acá hay de todo
Go to the profile of Sebastian SD
Sebastian SD
From SCZ, Bolivia. Now in SLC, Utah. Here to read, write, and complain — in that order. Been writing down my ramblings since I could hold a pen.
Go to the profile of Cristian Vargas
Cristian Vargas
Aquí algunos de mis intentos literarios, cuentos cortos, ensayos y capítulos de narrativas que invitan a mas desarrollos, entre otros artefactos.
Go to the profile of Rojeiris Casado
Rojeiris Casado
Medical doctor, speaking my mind out, passionate about skincare & some bizarre stories created by my dad. Skincare advisor https://calendly.com/d/ck58-nkb-4tv
Go to the profile of Noelia Scheiber
Go to the profile of Camilo Andres Hurtado Erasso
Camilo Andres Hurtado Erasso
https://linktr.ee/camihurs. Engineer by training, entrepreneur by inspiration, and writer by vocation. Lover of reading and writing. Martial artist, teacher.