Conversation Design Workflow: How to design your chatbot in 10 (basic) steps

You’re eager to design a chatbot, but you don’t know where to start? Here are a few tips to guide you even if you have zero experience

Chiara Martino
Voice Tech Podcast


You want to design your first chatbot or voicebot; you’re eager to see how a conversational experience will engage your customers in unexpected ways; you want to understand what this hype around Conversational AI is all about.

If you don’t know where to start, then you’re in the right place.

Conversation Design is a complex subject and a lot really depends on the project, on the resourses and on the company involved. However, I tried to summarize its essential elements, to provide an introduction to this new field of expertise.

This 10-step Conversation Design Workflow covers all the main steps a Conversation Designer has to deal with in an ideal project, from the initial research to the go-live.

  1. Goals & KPIs
  2. User Research and User Personas
  3. Topics mapping
  4. Bot personality and tone of voice
  5. User flows design
  6. Prompts and copywriting



Chiara Martino
Voice Tech Podcast

🤖 I work at the creation of chatbots and voice assistants and I write about Conversational AI & Linguistics 🚀 Co-Founder @ Women in Voice Italy