Integrating with VoiceHero with Node.js

Get Started in 5 minutes with ASK V2 for Node.js!

Jacob Chan
VoiceHero Blog
2 min readSep 16, 2019


VoiceHero’s analytics platform makes it easy to generate actionable insights based on user behaviour. You can read a case study written by Garrett Vargas on how he was able to improve customer engagement, and our own example on using Custom Events to improve retention.

This piece will show you how easy it is to set up the VoiceHero SDK with the Node.js ASK V2. You can also read the docs, and check out our GitHub repository. More integrations are in the works!

Sign up for VoiceHero

Before you can retrieve an API key to start using the integration, you must sign up for our closed beta. You can do that here.

Installing the VoiceHero SDK

The VoiceHero SDK is available as an npm package. You can install it by running this in your Lambda code’s directory:

Using the VoiceHero SDK

In your Lambda code, import voicehero-sdk and initialize it:


YOUR-API-KEY can be found in the VoiceHero dashboard after signing up.

After importing and initializing, you’re all set to call the voicehero.handler function around Alexa.skillBuilder :


And that’s it! Run a test session and see it populate on the dashboard.

Dashboard Screen After Integrating and Testing

About the VoiceHero SDK

The VoiceHero SDK was developed with speed and reliability in mind. When your skill gets called, VoiceHero will receive both the incoming and outgoing requests.

Stay tuned for more integrations coming soon!

About VoiceHero

VoiceHero is an analytics platform that helps developers understand user behaviour to improve engagement and performance of voice applications. Backed by Amazon Alexa and Techstars.

Learn more about VoiceHero.

