5 Reasons To Be Hopeful in 2017

Voices of the Revolution
3 min readJan 2, 2017

So here at Voices, we’ve decided to do a little end-of-year introspection and we’ve come up with 3 lists:

  • We kicked off 2017 with 5 Progressive New Year’s Resolutions. These are concrete, actionable steps that regular people can take to advance the progressive cause in 2017.
  • Today we offer 5 Reasons To Be Hopeful in 2017. These are some of the good things that happened last year, as well as some of the things we can look forward to in 2017, even with our new President.
  • Keep an eye out for: 5 New Year’s Revolutions. These are specific progressive causes on our radar for 2017 and ways you can support them.

5 Reasons To Be Hopeful in 2017

5. Climate Change. Donald Trump and the Republicans may make us stumble but they cannot stop us in the fight against global warming. If the federal government stops acknowledging climate change, states like California are ready to step up and pick up the slack. According to recent polling, Americans are now expressing record concerns over global warming, including Republicans. And the international community is committed to mitigating climate change, with or without the help of the United States.

4. Remember all we have accomplished. President Obama’s administration has helped 20 million more Americans have affordable healthcare, created 3.7 million jobs in the private sector, legalized same-sex marriage, and has established diplomatic relations with Cuba and Iran, just to name a few key accomplishments. Since the November election, President Obama has taken steps to ensure that we start the new year out on the right foot. He has dismantled NSEERS — the national registry that could have provided the basis for Trump’s Muslim Registry — and taken steps to prevent offshore drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. Read about other ways Obama is working to make 2017 a better year than many of us predict.

3. 2020 is closer than we think. And 2020 matters for the congressional redistricting process. With the 2020 Census close at hand, Democrats are already expected to pick up seats due to congressional redistricting. Democrats may not have to wait that long. With Republicans firmly controlling the White House, many of Trump’s voters expect results. But when voters finally realize that Trump only wants to benefit the wealthy few, Republicans won’t have President Obama to serve as a scapegoat. We’ll be ready with progressive candidates prepared to fight back.

2. We have starting to listen to each other. The zeitgeist of 2016 is one of shock and uncertainty. We are searching, striving to find some shred of hope to grasp onto as we approach the unknown. It is the perfect atmosphere to find common ground and make our case for progressive change. We are ready for new leaders, new ideas and we are willing to work together. The upcoming election cycles will be friendlier to third parties and more progressives are stepping up to fill major roles in the Democratic Party.

1. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign. Perhaps nothing points to a brighter future more strongly than Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign. A little-known independent from Vermont became one of the top three candidates for President while taking on one of the largest and best funded political machines — the Clintons — in American history. If nothing else, Bernie gave millions of people dissatisfied with the two-party system hope. And the reason the future is bright? Because Sanders won more votes from people under 30 than Clinton and Trump combined.

Remember, no​ ​matter​ ​what​ ​happens​ ​in​ ​2017,​ ​we’ll​ ​be​ ​here​ ​in​ ​solidarity​ ​with​ ​you. — Voices of the Revolution

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Voices of the Revolution

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