Primaries still matter. Make a difference — cast your vote for progressive change!

Progressive candidates for State Primaries June 12, 2018

Voices of the Revolution
6 min readJun 12, 2018


It’s time to change the status quo and get money out of politics. The following candidates who are up for election today vow in their campaigns to support progressive values. We believe that supporting these candidates will continue to change the narrative of politics. Voters in South Carolina, Virginia, Maine and Nevada have a chance to get to know candidates who truly support the well being of ALL Americans. Candidates don’t have to be corporate-funded careerists to win. They just have to stay true to their values, to their platform, and keep listening to the people.

But they will only win if we vote.

Please get out and vote. Encourage your friends and family to vote. Get to know your candidates and choose the people who you think can change our country for the better.

Progressive Candidates in South Carolina — June 12

Mal Hyman

U.S. Congressional District 7
Twitter: @ Mal4Congress
Mal 4 Congress

Key Issues:

  • Healthcare is a human right
  • Economy: it’s time for the wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes to fund new investments in America.
  • Environment: protecting the environment is crucial
  • Education: is one of the most important issues facing the state of South Carolina and the whole country
  • Justice: “I believe the open wounds of our past demand a new commitment to criminal justice”
  • Social Security

Justin Bamberg

SC House District 90

Progressive Candidates Virginia — June 12 Primary

Justin Santopietro

U.S. Congressional District 9
Twitter: @JS4VA

Key Issues:

  • Healthcare
  • Getting tough on the big banks
  • Tax fairness

Progressive Candidates in Maine — June 12 Primary

Zak Ringelstein

United States Senate
Twitter: @RingelsteinME

“We are rejecting all money from corporations, PACs, and lobbyists”.

Key issues:

  • Create more living wage jobs
  • Get money out of politics
  • Enact Medicare for all
  • Protect and preserve our environment

Diane Russell for Governor

Twitter: @MissWrite #FightLikeaGirl

Key issues:

  • Fight against climate change
  • Increase in funding to education, classrooms and teachers
  • Medicare for all

Jared Golden

U.S. Congressional District 2
Twitter: @Godlen4Congress

Key Issues:

  • Jobs and economy: “We must the playing field for small business owners, and invest in infrastructure to help Maine’s rural economy
  • Healthcare : “we must stop treating health like a private industry, and start treating health like a public good and a basic right for every American”.
  • Environment: “we have a duty to all Mainers to prevent the economic and environmental devastation that climate change will bring to our state.’

Chellie Pingree

U.S. Congressional District 1:
Twitter: @Chelliepingree
Blog: Chellie Pingree

Progressive Candidates in Nevada — June 12 Primary

Chris Giunchigliani

Governer of Nevada
Twitter: @giunchigliani

Key Issues

  • Healthcare: “I firmly believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. The Affordable Care Act was a huge step in the right direction, and as governor I would work to move Nevada in the direction of universal health care”
  • Education: “Every Nevada child deserves an opportunity to get a quality public education, regardless of their zip code, parents’ salary or ethnicity”.
  • Jobs and job development
  • Income inequality
  • Increase minimum wage
  • Collective bargaining
  • Paid sick leave
  • Clean energy

Reuben D’Silva

U.S. Congressional District 1
Twitter: @ReubenDSilvaNV

Key Issues:

  • Civil rights and equality: “Any discrimination of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, disability, age, etc. has no place in society”.
  • Criminal Justice & Community Violence: “Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration” should be the foundation in reforming our broken criminal justice system”.
  • Jobs and Economy: “We have what it takes to ensure that every American obtains a decent paying job”.
  • Healthcare: “It is time for the United States of America to implement a universal health care system. A single-payer healthcare model is what we must orient ourselves towards.”

Rick Shepherd

U.S. Congressional District 2
: and Facebook

Key Issues:

  • Climate change: “ I will address climate change directly as the real problem that it is and We The People can be a big part of the solution.”
  • Jobs: “As we move towards a service-based economy we have to raise the wages for service providers to a living wage. We must do away with Right-to-work legislation and encourage collective bargaining”.
  • Healthcare: “We will have a Single-Payer healthcare system like the rest of the developed nations have enjoyed for decades and we will treat mental health with both genuine concern and proper funding”.
  • Civil Services: “A voluntary service any citizen can sign up for that guarantees them nutritious food, healthcare, housing, and training in both life skills and any number of trades or career paths.”
  • Veterans: “ No more undeclared, unfunded foreign wars for oil. No more nation building. No more using the military industrial complex as the negotiating arm of Big Oil. Veterans, like all Americans, deserve the best healthcare available and under Universal Healthcare / Medicare For All they will receive what they deserve.”

Michael Weiss

U.S. Congressional District 3 (NV 03)
Twitter: @WeissforNevada

Key Issues:

Amy Vilela

U.S. Congressional District 4 (NV 04)
Twitter: @Amy4thepeople

Key Issues:

  • Education : public money for public education, Universal pre-k, Stop teaching to test, promote trade schools, and College for all
  • Housing: House the homeless, Local leadership and mortgage interest deductions
  • Energy and climate change justice: “Energy investments made today will determine our path for the next century. America can and should be a global leader in developing innovative and trans formative solutions”
  • Indigenous Justice : tribal soverignty, healthcare education.
    “Tribal treaties and sovereignty are ignored by the government, and tribal lands often lack the basic infrastructure to adequately provide services, like healthcare and education, to residents. These are the first peoples to live in America, and they have every right to a seat at the table in 2018 and beyond.”

Bobby Mahendra

U.S. Senate
Twitter: @bobby_mahendra

Robert Langford

District Attorney
Twitter: @LangfordforDA

Key Issues:

  • End massive incarceration
  • Focus on serious crime
  • Resist the Trump Administration

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