Ro Khanna needs to reverse course in NYC. The sooner the better.

David Fredrick
Voices of the Revolution
3 min readJun 13, 2018

The story goes like this: Progressive member of the House, Ro Khanna publicly supported one of the worst corporate-friendly Democrats over a fellow Justice Democrat, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. He has since backtracked and dual-endorsed both candidates, but that isn’t far enough. His explanation of why he opted to initially support Crowley is weak, especially under scrutiny. He needs to swap candidates and apologize for being short sighted, or whatever it was that pushed him into opposition of his own platform. It’ll be hard, but it is the right move.

Yes, he is now the only sitting member of congress to endorse Alexandria, a progressive, blue-collar, woman of Puerto Rican descent. It took his own progressive community jumping onto social media to shove him into the problematic position of splitting his support between candidates that could not be more different.

Crowley is not representative of his district, and never has been. He has a history of providing succor to the financial industry (both through private speeches and pro-banking/anti-regulation legislative votes. He was effectively handed his seat by his predecessor, and has coasted by on “I’m a Democrat” and a lack of challengers. (most incumbents win; people don’t pay enough attention, primaries see low turnout, and very few democratic voters participate in mid-terms.)

Alexandria, on the other hand, is an education advocate and activist. She even manages to be a resident of the district she wants to represent. Basically this battle is between an example of everything that has cost the Democratic Party so many seats, and a representative of the district. If you want support her, please visit her site.

Joe has complained that Alexandria has a leg up on him because, “I can’t help that I was born white.” It’s an insane thing to claim, as if life in America is somehow weighted against wealthy, older, white men. He has made references to his own Irish heritage while accusing Ocasio-Cortez of playing the race card.

Ro’s endorsement of this kind of morally weak candidate is a massive error on his part. It’s probably recoverable and an attempt should be made. It will be difficult. An endorsement of the establishment to a dual endorsement to a single endorsement of the challenger is definitely doesn’t promote an image of consistency.

It does show strength of character though; it is very very hard to eat crow.

It is never too late to do the right thing and own up to a mistake. There will always be consequences, of course, and those consequences only get harder as time passes.

The longer it takes for Ro to make that change, the more damage will be done to his image in a community from which he has regularly pledged to support.

So please, Ro, be what you claim to be, and what you have worked for: A progressive pushing an anti-corruption agenda tied to a Bernie-esque progressive agenda.

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