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Trump Russia

Voluble by Robin Alperstein
Voluble by Robin Alperstein
Thoughts on politics, news, and other things.
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Le GOP: C’est Trump — A Coda

As a coda to yesterday’s blog post (written before the Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing), I offer the following observations based on the testimony of Sally Yates and James Clapper, the reporting that Obama warned Trump not to hire Flynn, prior news reports, and the actions…

Le GOP: C’est Trump

Trump’s tweets the morning of May 8th trying to discredit Sally Yates are unspeakably disgraceful; in their own way, they and his smear campaign are worse than his unfounded lies about President Obama, because she is not a former President with all the power and good will and money that that…

Hapless Goobers, Stooges, and Liars

#TrumpRussia will continue to engulf the White House, as it should. As we stagger from the fact that the President of the United States and his campaign are under investigation for their ties to Russia, including whether they coordinated with Russia in its…