Our half year recap — VouchForMe

VouchForMe blog
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2020

2020 is halfway through, and to say it’s been challenging would be an understatement. In many countries, life has looked very different for several months now. It’s been challenging for VouchForMe too, as we made the switch from a busy office to a remote team temporarily. Luckily that didn’t stop us, as we’ve already done so much this year. So let’s look back together.

Income Protection

For most people, a trip to the dentist means pain, fillings and maybe a lecture from the dentist of why you need to start brushing more often, for our CEO Jacob Westerlaken, a conversation with his dentist inspired one of our newest products. VouchForMe income protection. A peer-to-peer alternative to traditional insurance that allows groups of like-minded individuals to protect their way of life should they become incapacitated, read our interview with Jacob here.

Peer-to-peer is looking to be a massive disruptor to the insurance industry and is already making waves in the Chinese market, and the number of people looking for income protection is growing worldwide. Not bad for a trip to the dentist!

Insurtech Insights in London

While the pandemic put a lot of live events on hold, the year’s biggest insurtech event still went ahead as a virtual event. Our Co-founder Matt Peterman presented to an online audience and we’re proud to say it went great.


Head of business development Aleš Tomažin, presented not one but three webinars in the first half of this year. In all three, Aleš focused on how insurance is changing, and the rise of P2P insurance. These were our topics.

“What’s left for insurance companies in the age of emerging P2P economy?”

“Solidarity in insurance.”

“Income protection — group safety net when accidents strike.”

Insurance Vocabulary

While at VouchForMe, we live and breathe insurance. For most of us, it’s just something we need to do once a year, and we appreciate it can be a bit confusing due to all the industry-specific terminology. What’s the difference between third-party and comprehensive car insurance? What is a deductible? How does it differ from a premium?

Hopefully, if you’ve seen our weekly postings, you should be up-to-speed with all of that, as each week we pick an industry term and explain it. Why do we do this? We want to make insurance understandable and accessible to all. How are we doing? You be the judge. Check out our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to see our weekly Insurance Vocabulary series.

New Product Launch 🚀

Finally just this month we launched another new product. Fond. Income protection that’s open to all. Thanks to high premiums and occasionally outright bans, many self-employed entrepreneurs have no opportunity to get insurance. We’ve changed that! For now, we’ve only launched Fond in Slovenia, where Fond offers income protection for life, should you end up unable to work through an accident or illness.

Nobody likes to consider that they could get injured or fall seriously ill before retirement, but sadly it does happen to millions of people worldwide each year. Think of Fond as a safety net, we hope you won’t need it, but if you do, you’ll be glad it’s there. Read more in our blog post here, or if you can understand Slovenian, check out our website!

Finally a huge thank you to all of our customers who’ve followed us on our journey so far, let’s hope that the next half of the year will be better. As always, we’ve got big plans for the world of insurtech.

Also, don’t forget to follow us to stay up to date.







VouchForMe blog

Vouchforme is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of Blockchain innovation.