How to Make Work from Home Effective: 10 Working from Home Tips

Vikram Singh Bisen
Published in
7 min readMar 29, 2020
Reference Image: Work-from-home

This could be one of the most challenging times for everyone around the world faced due to one of the deadliest disease of the century — Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak that is compelling governments to lockdown cities, stopping industries and any kind of other commercial or social activities to stop the spread of this highly contagious infection.

However, due to mandatory lockdowns, companies and business organizations stopped their production, including manufacturing units.

But the service sector IT can operate remotely from anywhere having internet-based communication systems to make sure their work doesn’t get affected too much due to such mandatory lockdowns.

Actually, people working on computer systems can work-from-home and perform their daily tasks on their desktop or laptop. If you are one of them got assigned to work-from-home, you need to make the best of it, to maintain your performance.

In respect of the same, we brought few useful tips to know how to work from home efficiently to make your tasks more effective and productive. It will also help you to achieve your daily targets while making your work interesting and enjoyable.

Top 10 Tips for Working Remotely from Home

#1 Choose & Create a Dedicated Work Space

Few people work on their laptop sitting in the bedroom, or couch in the living room, which is not good, as you can feel lazy while working on such spaces. So, here you need to build a separate work space in the room where nobody can disturb you.

And to do that spend a few bucks on separate furniture or computer table so that you can keep your stuffs including laptop and other office use devices or accessories. While working with such dedicated office like work space you will work feeling better.

#2 Get Started Early & Maintain Routine

When you work in the office you have to visit within a specific time, but when you are hired to work-from-home you might become lazy and start working at home as per your ease and flexibility, which is not good, especially if you have to complete few tasks daily.

Though, few companies ask to log in on their system just like office timing, but few people login into chat or communicating app on their smartphones to pretend they are online but not exactly working.

Such habits will reduce your productivity, so make sure to get to start early or at least timely and maintain this routine to complete your task everyday timely.

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#3 Invest in Quality Technology & Devices

If your company provides you laptop, it’s good, but if not, you need to buy a laptop to keep continue working for your company from home. So, here you have to spend few money on technology devices to complete the necessary tasks easily.

Meanwhile, also spend a few bucks on other accessories like having a headphone to communicate while talking with your colleague, boss or coworkers. Also, buy a separate keyboard and mouse for better speed typing and router for internet connectivity.

Make sure you have an internet connection with enough speed to meet your daily data packets needs. And if you not use too much internet or not working online on heavy software you can turn-on your mobile hotspot and connect your laptop.

#4 Do Some Workouts and Stretch Regularly

During such lockdown probably you wouldn’t be allowed to step out from your house like at parks, gyms, yoga centers or other places, that affects your daily routine and lifestyle. While when you commute to the office daily you are physically active and fit.

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But, when you stay at your house or work-from-home your physical activity is less. Moreover, in-office you keep walking a few steps daily to attend meetings or visit a colleague’s desk to discuss the project your team is working together.

While at home, you become idle, so, get up early and do some yoga or workouts on a daily basis. This will also help you to become habitual of doing exercise on a daily basis which is good for your health. And also don’t forget to stretch while working.

#5 Set Boundaries and Goals for Each Day

Few people just start their day and spend many hours thinking, what they have to do or from where they have to start or consider they have enough time to complete their project, which reduces their productivity failing to achieve their targets.

Thus, set your daily goals and boundaries to complete the tasks timely to ensure your project or daily, weekly or monthly tasks get achieved well-timed.

For that, you can make notes as per your daily tasks to avoid any last-minute haste and maintain your overall performance. This kind of habit will also help you to finish projects within deadlines.

#6 Take Breaks at Regular Intervals to Relax

In offices, you have a specific time for lunch break or tea break sessions, so you enjoy some quality and relaxing time with your colleagues that makes your mind refreshed and you feel better while working throughout the day.

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So, while working from home, don’t keep sitting in front of a computer, take some breaks to relax your eyes and refresh your mind.

You can walk in your living room or do some other activities and spend a few minutes or chat with your family members. Otherwise, sitting in front of such devices nonstop for long hours can cause computer vision syndrome.

#7 Discover Your High Productivity Times

Every person has its own mood and motivations to work and perform a specific task at different points of time in a day. Few people are more active in the morning, hence they are more productive and energetic in the morning hours.

While some of them are more active in the evening while performing office tasks. Hence, discover your high productivity times, and keep the important and crucial tasks for that period when you are more productive and work seriously.

#8 Keep Communicating with Your Coworkers

When you are in the office you do face-to-face conversations with everyone. But when you work-from-home you need to be over-communicative with your coworkers, managers and company’s boss to give updates and pretend you are active.

Overcommunicating doesn’t certainly mean you have to keep chatting with everyone and disturbing them during their working time. But keep telling everyone who needs to know about your schedule and availability when you finish your project.

So, the key to stay in-the-loop and feeling connected with your team, is keep having an open, on-going dialogue with your team and check-in with your direct manager and team members several times a day.

Even greater transparency becomes fundamental when you work remotely, to ensure everyone is aligned on objectives and expectations.

#9 Listen to Music When Feel Drowsy or Avoid Distractions

It does not seem professional, as, at office work space most of the companies don’t allow such privilege to listen to music or songs while working on your seat. But here the scenario is different and you can take the advantage but for the good reasons.

Actually, afternoon times, especially after taking meals, humans feel drowsy, which is a kind of natural phenomena happens with most of the people. So, here you can take the help of music like soft-spoken songs to keep you awake and active.

That’s why, I already told you at the start, invest money in quality headphones to enjoy your favorite songs. And you can also use this tactic to avoid distractions around you, which is usually very common when you work-from-home.

#10 Avoid Family Members, Friends & Pets Interaction

It does not seem possible or even not ethical to say that avoid your family members, especially when you have old-age parents, kids or pets at your home. But here you need to be a little strict and sacrifice the emotional attachments with family members.

If you are working from home, just imagine that you are away from your family and friends like working in the office.

Similarly, you have to avoid them as far as possible but don’t ignore the important household chores and also spend some quality time, with your family members, so that they can also realize that they are also happy to see you working from home.

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Vikram Singh Bisen

Content Writer | Stock Market Analyst | Author & News Editor at The Telegraph Daily